Hi. This is harder to write than I thought, I’ll try to keep it simple, so…
I’ve been with my ex for a year and we broke up 2 months ago. We started our relationship really strong and it got weaker and weaker as the time went by. The reason for breakup was that (let’s be honest) I felt insecure with her which is my fault and I would always give her myself on a plate. I was the problem. We tried fixing us many times, but with little success. In the end I discovered her texting behind my back with some guy, today I know that she has been texting him when we were together, but back then I made her an ultimatum to reveal the secret and talk about it or it’s over. She wouldn’t so we broke up. I did it in a nice way, but for the next to weeks I’ve been on emotional roller coaster and it was at its greatest depression and well I was in a bad shape, mentally and physically. I drunk alcohol and injured my face badly. It left a scar, some people say pretty it’s badass. It is all good now and it made bounce back a bit. That was all two months ago.
I didn’t follow the 5 step plan from this website. I discovered this site yesterday. Now before I ask for advice, I need to tell you guys that me and my ex work together, we see each other only on breaks but it was really hard and I did initiate No Contact for a month, but it was softcore. We didn’t speak, but we could see each other and our eyes met. Then before a holiday where we supposed to go together, but we didn’t, I texted her to meet up when she comes back for a coffee to try and be something other than strangers and it was all set up. When she came back I texted her again and the roller coaster was at it’s second worst depression and the texting went really fucking bad… Basically I went berserk about fact that she is now with the guy she’s been texting with.
That’s when I started the second No Contact, and this time it was hardcore. I changed the times of my breaks, I would try and avoid her, I wouldn’t even look at her as she passed by. I treated her like air, literally.
Approaching the Dragon
Another month went by and a week ago she approached me and asked me how I am doing and if we gonna ever even talk. We talked for a few minutes, that was it. I thought of this as an occasion. The next days I would approach her say hi and ask her to give me a high five or something, just to break the silence and warm up the relation just by a tiny bit. No more than that though.
I never looked bad. I would say I am a pretty confident, social, attractive but not too much guy. I am immature though, but I really feel like this break up is working in my favour in terms of trying and become a better version of myself and mature up. I started working on myself more than a month ago, but she is also a part of reason why I started. I moved out from my parents, I bought new clothes, I stopped smoking, went back to gym (4 weeks now), I have a year in the gym before but I quit and I am drinking a protein shake as I write this. I am even whitening my teeth. I bought new glasses. I look totally different now, I heard a lot better, but it is just looks. Now I am starting to improve on my character and work hard at work to earn money and try starting a small business. I took the maturing up bit super serious. I am really trying and it is all before I found this website. The becoming better version of yourself is the best part out of all the guide.
Seeking guidance
Now for the actual question. I am in a place where I don’t know what to do. She is going for two weeks holiday to a sunny island with a guy that I wrote about. She just told me she is going for holiday, but I learned the rest. I don’t know if this guy is a rebound, I heard she is happy, but I also felt the stupid high five I ask her for and sometimes it feels like she is just laying her hand on mine. Seriously, I don’t know if it’s a high five or she wants to hold hands sometimes. Our eyes meet on every occasion when we are around each other, always, even if it’s a glimpse. Sometimes it feels deep, but maybe it’s just my overreacting brain and emotion hungry, over feeling heart heightening the feelings.
I was thinking maybe it’s time to send her the message and apologising for being an insecure pussy, apologising for unnecessary words I have said to her, and over all telling her that I accept the break up and accept that she has found someone else. I feel I am approaching the stage of accepting the break up, accepting the lost. She is worth fighting for, but I am too proud to tell her straight that I did a mistake. I don’t know what is the next step, maybe it’s too soon for the message. What should I aim for now?