Need advice-not sure how long to do NC

I broke up with my ex about a month ago. We were in LDR. I found out about this website just recently and have made the deadly mistakes this past month. She had been doing the push and pull to me, and the last time she texted me was yesterday. She said that I’m toxic for her, that she is annoyed by me, that she wanted to go on a therapy (she has some mental health issues) and heal herself and my presence won’t make her any better. I’m on my day 1 of NC now.

I’m not sure whether I should text her again after only 30 days? Because I truly want her to heal, and I’m not sure whether I will bother her process of healing or not. Moreover, I have no idea when will she start this therapy.

Any advices?

@vj - She said you’re toxic for her and she is annoyed with you. Leave her alone and DO NOT text her anymore. If she ever wants to get in touch with you, she will. Try and find a local girl because LDR rarely work.

She did get in touch with me. She texted me and sent photos etc. However, when the convo started to flow, she distanced herself again, and stopped replying abruptly. What do you think? Back to day 1 of NC?

@vj - The push / pull again. Aren’t you tired of it? Yes, start no contact again, but DO NOT reply if she texts you.