A short while ago I went on to my Instagram and saw that my ex girlfriend had tagged me on a post asking to tag someone you are missing and she put “always and forever”. She is the one who broke up with me. We have been on no contact for almost a month and I have thought about ending no contact soon but haven’t been sure how to end it. Should I answer back?? Help me out.
You’re in a good position. just make sure you want her back. Don’t talk about instagram or anything she said. Send an sms whenever you think it’s time and just tell her about something cool happening around you and how it made you reminded you of her. See if she replies and take it from there. Don’t get ahead of yourself. I made this mistake. Just give it time and things will happen. For the best. Don’t ever try call her. Well for now
Thank you. I appreciate it.
I guess you’re right I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. She’s missing me but I guess the question is she missing me enough to work things out? It’s funny that you should say I should tell her when something reminds me of her because on that post she said she heard a song that reminded her of us so she is the one telling me.