NC Period About to End: Now What???

So my ex boyfriend and I dated two and a half years, ending in the beginning of this past November. I only started NC a month ago. Now usually as said by this website, after NC intimate contact through text or phone or etc., then meet up in person later on. however in my case, he’ll be returning from college next week, on day 37 of NC. he has something of mine I really want back, plus I want to see him. he has a new (what I’m 99% sure to be a rebound) girlfriend. I’d love to just meet at a coffee place at the mall we both always went to. how (and when) do I text him to meet me? it’s wednesday, and he’ll be back this coming Monday until the end of the week. do I text him this weekend? or next week? and should I start a conversation first? or just come out and say hey, I need my thing back, and I’d like to catch up? really confused and in need of help ASAP!

I’m in love with him so much, and I know we ended on things we could’ve fixed. he suppressed whatever feelings he had for me by quickly getting a new girlfriend. I know him, he’d rather hide whatever feelings he has, stubbornly staying in denial for as long as needed, just to avoid getting hurt. I don’t want to lose him forever. we talked about marriage, even days before the stupid breakup. I’d love to have him back, so I can’t mess this up! every step to get him back needs to go well, or I might lose him.

please help, I need to know what to do soon.

someone please advise :frowning: