Hi everyone,
I know topics like mine probably get created every day here, but I just need to share a bit and even if only one person can find the time or understanding to give me a few replies I would really appreciate it. I am seeing a therapist for the first time ever in 3 weeks from now, because I feel I won’t be able to get through this without some help. But it’ll still be different than talking to someone on here I think, because therapists have SEEN or HEARD about these problems and feelings, but the people here have EXPERIENCED them.
I’ll give a brief sketch about what’s going on, me and my girlfriend (or as I should really say ex-girlfriend) had been together for 1,5 years, when she broke up with me. She wasn’t feeling happy anymore and I know the reasons why, issues that can be fixed really, but at this given point she no longer had the energy for it. I don’t even know if I should have any hope at all if she wasn’t feeling happy anymore as I’ve read somewhere that this is one of the deal-breakers of getting back together…
But yeah…I’ve made my mistakes, I’ve begged, I’ve pleaded, probably made all the mistakes that are mentioned in the guide. Today is only the third day of my NC period, but it’s killing me. In the guide it says she will start wondering why I’m not contacting her anymore, but in reality right now, I’m wondering why she isn’t contacting me…She said from the start that she would never want me out of her life completely, but yeah, right now I feel like we are both on a NC rule…I look at her FB page and I see all these pictures appearing of her getting on with her life, seemingly even more happy and enjoying it than when she was with me…I’m wondering if it’s really that way, is it only a facade, I don’t know…and I know I’m torturing myself by doing this, but I can’t find the strenght yet to unfriend her or deactivate my FB or whatever…
Last time we spoke she said she still thought about us every day and that she misses our good times together, but that she just can’t continue in a relationship…and what also confuses me is that one moment she seemed so determined to continue alone and at other times she speaks in terms like “for now” or “I can’t continue if it is like this”, you know? Like…sentences that seem to point to that this might only be temporary…maybe I’m over-analyzing everything, but yeah…This all makes me even more confused about the NC rule and if I should even continue with it…
It’s just so hard…every day I’m wondering what she might be doing and I have the feeling that this NC rule is harder on me than on her…in your experience what’s the number of days of NC when I should really start accepting the fact that we might not get back together like…what if a week passes or two weeks or a month and she hasn’t contacted me a single time?
I just had to get this of my chest, I also write in a journal so I can take this with me to the therapist. If there is anyone here that took the time to read this and even reply to it, I greatly appreciate it and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.