I’ve been in a relationship with my ex for 4 years. It was a bit of a roller coaster ride for me emotionally. There were issues that he had with controlling his anger and control issues. For me it was kicking off issues I had with trust and respect (and some other psychological issues).
I had left a few times, always being drawn back in. One month ago, one particular incident hit me hard mentally. I left and I was done. Since then, there were emails and texts that all hit the big deadly mistakes. I wouldn’t respond to these, just to say that we both needed time and space to heal. Finally I sent your site to him to read over and not to contact me. I knew there would be a need to contact him on certain things that we shared in order to get things settled.
I am taking care of myself, working on getting my feet under me and reestablishing myself. I received an email in response to one I sent (w/i the 30 day rule) with regards to a shared space we have. He is getting therapy (which I feel is really good for him). He wants to become a better man - for himself, his son and if there was a way for me to be with him again.
I am cautious about talking with him right now. I know he is taking steps to help himself and he shows remorse for his actions. (I’ve heard this from mutual trusted friends). I know what I need for myself. I’m reticent about breaking the 30 day rule until I feel a bit more established. He would like to talk with me. Part of me wants to and part of me still needs time.