My ex really wants to argue

Hey Brace yourselves but I need good advice which means I need to tell the story,

i acted a fool when we first broke up, basically I did all the things the list of tyhings not to do say dont do. my bad. But then I found this forum and started the no contact rule. My ex found out I had talked to another girl monthes agao. now i had already stoiopped talking to that person and didnt talk to anyone else having ralized my mistake but my ex was still hurt and had every right not to forigive me. She dumped me while I was at a military training event about a month ago and started seeing a guy she had had a crush on. I didnt have a phone so I didnt know about any of this until two weeks ago. when I did speak to her she tried to rub it in my face and she was crying and angry but she sounded hurt when she told me she had already had sex with him. I later found out he pressured her into it but she said he was a great guy other than that. Long story short once I got home I ended up with her staying over at my place and we got into a few arguments where I could tell she was heartbroken and angry but she would also forget sometimes that she was angry and it would be like old times, we even had sex more than once. I thought if i just made sure she didnt forget me I would have her but talking to her and trying to spend time with her just made it worse because she remembered to be upset again once she went home and all he had too do was comfort her to look like a great guy. Basically I realized I was doing his work for him and hurting myself. Now I started doing no contact after we got in a argument on facebook in our inbox, and the next day i see shes in a relationship with him after she kept saying that she didnt want to be in a relationship right now. So its clear I did his work for him, fair enough but Ive been in no contact for a week now and she texts me because she neeeds something from me to keep going to school and I promised I would give it to her regardless if we were together or not. Maybe Im a doormat for that but whatever I care about her, the problem is that even though Im keeping my texxts short sweet and just about that specifically she seems to want to argue. I tried to veryify her adress because the one she told me was different from what I remember and she went balistic as if I was being difficult on purpose. To top it all off she says we were a couple until a week ago, weve been seperate for a month and a week actually, Im not sure what is written into that or if Im reading into it.

Basically she wants to argue and I dont, I stopped replying to her texts and she will soon have what she needs, I think that maybe she just wants to talk to me or wants me to say that I still care about her but I cant bear to deal with her right now. I deleted over 200 photos of her because I cant see her face without it hurting. IM doing my own thing,in the gym in the best shape of my life, seeing friends all the time and seeing new people, Ive even got to the point where Im fine just sitting at home by myself whereas before I couldnt bear it. What should I do about her trying to argue, do you uys think she still wants me. She has her rebound guy, Im leaving her alone like she demanded I do, she has what she needs to go to school, and all her friends and family support her in her new relationship, I dont see what else she wants and cant understand why she isnt happy or why it seems like shes trying to bring me down when Im just getting up.


I say you need to start the NC asap. And stick to it. The only way she is going to miss you is if she doesn’t have you. She probably is just in a rebound relationship looking for some comfort right now. You need to show her your love for her by leaving her be. Give her what she wants for now. You’ll see in the 30 days you’ll be feeling better and so we’ll she. Take this time for yourself!

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice, im going to continue NC i didnt even engage her arguing, and i didnt respond to her last texts. The whole thing was completely irrational and seemed fabricated. Am I wrong for just beleiving that she missed me but didnt know how to deal with it once she started talking to me. She went from being really nice to irrationally angry.

I can feel you. Reading your post makes me seeing me again. I think our ex are almost totally the same . She consider you as the guarantee and safety net or back up plan . She will take what she wants from you but don’t like to be with you. She thinks that she can have you anytime. I think she still have feelings for you . She only goes in that new relationship as u allow her. Please read 5 step plan. Kevin explains about our instinct after break up. Just try to jump into NC. Do not reply her . Just take ur respect back.