My ex is a psychotherapist..

Six months into our relationship (we were exclusive) I had gone to my doctors as had a painful and very heavy period. My doctor told me I had had a miscarriage. I decided not to tell my partner because I was scared it would ruin our new relationship and might freak him out, I was on the pill but had been ill a few weeks prior and the antibiotics had made it non effective.
I thought it would be easy to keep it from him and knew it was a mistake in retrospect but to cut a long story short I freaked out (the hormones were insane) and I ended up finishing with him over a long rambling email, making up lots of random excuses.
His response was cold and formal like he was writing to a patient and it hurt me, I found him so controlled with his emotions it was always hard to know what he was saying was how he really felt, I also think his job made him cynical and difficult to read. My reaction was to spent the next week twoing and throwing absuive emails to him until he finally told me never to contact him again or even look at him if we saw each other.
One day later I wrote him an email apologising for my behaviour and told him the truth about the miscarriage.
He gave me a three sentence reply which was formal and then that was it… nothing.

I was once again angry at him for not being supportive, but on the other hand who wants to support a emotional and hormonal lunatic. He made me feel like I was mental, and I decided to just cut contact with him completely.
The aftermath was hard and I fell deeply depressed about the whole situation. Two weeks later he emails me to say he misses me and thinks of me often but is afraid to see me or try again incase I see him as weak. I emailed back a lovely email to say I would like that but at the moment felt terrible anxiety but would call when back from a short holiday.
Two days before I am back I email him to say I miss him and get no response.
The day I am back I email again to say can I go for a walk with him after work along the river to talk. He sends me a rude and short email back saying after I blew him off in our last communication he doesn’t feel he can give it another go.
I was so confused I never blew him off… he had misunderstood me and after explaining he then replies the next day with another formal email of 3 times he can meet me which are hour windows in between seeing his clients.
I expressed I’m not a client and I cannot work through him with this if he continues talking to me like that. His response is cold again and I just tell him to forget it and I’m done completely with it all.

We end up having a final arguement where he tells me in no uncertain terms never to email him again or even look at him if I cross him in the street.

When a person in that profession talks to you like this you feel worse than you would with anyone else because this is meant to be a person who understands emotions and the mind, he had me feeling like I was some kind of stalker.
I made no contact with him at all after that and instead of being sad was angry as I felt like he had been quite manipulating to my emotions, that just because of my verbally abusive out burst and because I had hurt him by dumping him it had been forgotten that I suffered a miscarriage which was incredibly upsetting for me. Not once did he ask or consider how I was coping with that.

I changed all my patterns of times i knew he left his home (we live near each other) so I wouldn’t bump into him… and about 3 weeks after last contact I started feeling like I was getting my energy back. I also had got myself addicted to the painkillers the doctor gave me, I took them for a month instead of the three days I was meant to. I’m not into drugs or rarely drink alcohol but I found the whole experience became too much and I liked the numbing feeling the painkillers gave me.
I went completely cold turkey on my own which was awful, but was only a week until I felt better. Anyway I digress. After 3 weeks of no contact I get an email off him which is a link he found of a podcast about my home town.
I send him a smiley face emoji back and then 24 hours he responds with something similar.
About 5 hours later I decide to tell him I am confused, he tells me never to contact him again then sends that out of the blue?
12 hours later no reply. Keep in mind this is the weekend, he is always checking his emails and I know he is just playing games with the delayed responses.
In light of all the crap I’ve dealt with the last month or so I start feeling angry at him again. Last night I sent an email explaining to him that by sending that link out of the blue and because of the nature of our last contact I felt confused and upset by it. I explained that to him it probably meant nothing but for me it had ruined my weekend with me over analysing if he wanted to reconnect or missed me. I said I had beaten myself up over what happened and was finally getting my energy back and left with nice thoughts of our time together but now sending this and being so vague afterwards has set me back to thinking he just likes to trigger reactions in people. I said any communication he has with me after what he last said should be clear and consise on what his intentions are as anything else is just bringing back my suffering and prolonging myself not to move on, I ask politely please not to do that again.
That was 24 hours ago and nothing back.

I have spent the whole day in bed feeling completely depressed and shattered again. I wish I had not even responded in the first place bcause as soon as I did it felt like the games began once more.
Was I wrong to be offended by such a flakey email with no explanation or words in light of him treating me like a stalker and telling me never to contact him again before? I feel like I am being played with for revenge over hurting him, or maybe I am just thinking to much. I am so upset tonight and feel like I’ve been kicked down and all the feelings of blame for not being honest in the first place are back like a fresh wound.
I’m sorry for the long story I just hope someone can offer me advice on where I go from here. Part of me always hoped he would come back in time and be able to see the situation for what it was and find understanding. The other part feels angry that this man is someone who people go to to feel better but for me he hadn’t shown one ounce of care or support, not even as a partner but as a human being who was clearly in pain.

I just wanted to add he said he had tried to reconcile on a number of occasions but i had responded negatively so he was done. The problem is he has not once been clear on him doing that so I haven’t seen that from what he has said. I really feel like the communication is blurred and either I am completely dumb or he is sending words which say one thing and mean another.
He also contacted me two weeks after we broke up to tell me he had seen me on the dating ap we met on. I told him that I had joined in a tantrum but had not met anyone as looking to replace him is not right on the other person, and he said he had a similar experience. I am wondering if he has met someone else, one of his biggest fears is being lonely., but this is something I have had to accept even though the thought of him with other woman whilst I have been physically and mentally in pain makes me feel sick… I guess that’s just ego, but I just feel so hurt over how cold and controlled he behaved. I’m angry with him again and the hurt feels like it did a month ago again :frowning:

Forgot to mention that our relationship was very smooth. We never argued and was very relaxed with each other just the odd slight niggle but nothing significant.
He was very much in control in the relationship and would wake me every morning with a good morning text and goodnight one, and then communicate all throughout the day.
He did start doing something which bothered me somewhat. If I didn’t respond to him or would cancel the odd meeting from time to time he would take it brutually and question me if this was what I really wanted and he felt like I was not happy with him. I did find that strange, but maybe he was just guarding himself from potential hurt.
We had similar likes and hobbies and he described our relationship to his friend as being easy and how it reminded him of being with someone like himself.
My handling at the end was appalling and I offered a genuine apology but the way he handles conflict just feels so unatural in a sense of he puts no emotion or feeling into it. It feels like a text book response rather than his truth.
He mentioned in the relationship at about 4 months that he’s not sure he believes in love and I found that quite hurtful, who wants to hear that off someone they are investing every day of their life with? But then he did sweet things and wanted my time and to share experiences with me which made me think that maybe he just shows his affection in physical ways and actions rather than verbal.
The problem is here I’m not sure that we really knew each other at all 6 months in… if I trusted him I would have told him about the miscarriage, and why did I think it was better to end the relationship and hurt him like that when it wasn’t really what I wanted…

I guess maybe if I want to stop him treating me like a patient I need to stop behaving like one, so am starting to realise now I have put this all down in writing that I need to work on myself and my way of handling stress before I can even begin to think of hoping he would take me back. I seem to fly off the handle and throw each given bit of communication he offers away because he gives me nothing back, on the other hand it wasn’t clear to me on what his reconciliation was… maybe he doesn’t trust me with discussing his feelings because of my behaviour.
I have had long happy relationships and never have I felt so much sadness from something that was so brief, maybe I am tricking myself into thinking this is a sign that he was something special or maybe I am just in a mess about the miscarriage. After reading this site I am certain NC is the only way forward and to work on myself. It is so strange because even though I was the person who did the dumping I feel rejected as if it was the other way round.
I’m so sorry for all the long messages here talking to myself, I am a deeply sensitive person and whilst in person I come across as easy going and Relaxed internally I over think and exhaust myself out with it … I grew up in a home environment where no one discussed their feelings or love and was never hugged or shown affection, most my partners have been very tactile other than him so I think maybe this has all just been a crescendo of deep issues I haven’t dealt with properly… maybe I’ve romanticised a relationship and missed something that potentially could have turned out to be quite toxic due to incompatibilities I hadn’t yet seen but seem to notice now i write this all down.
All the same why does it hurt so much and why do I continue to miss him this badly 6 weeks later…