Moving on after getting back using No Contact

Well, long story short, I was in an almost 2 year relationship, I went to a trip through Australia for 4 months last year, and during my time there we talked everyday, just longing to be together when I came back. February of this year I came back from the trip and everything was amazing with her, until we had a fight and I said a lot of bad things, mostly coming from insecurity and alcohol abuse. We broke up, moment where I started going to a psychiatrist, improved a lot of things myself and of course started no contact. I saw her a couple of weeks afterwards, and she was all over me, saying how good and changed I looked. I went with it and we went back, having a great time until yesterday. I went to her house, saw her crying and she told me she couldnt do this to me anymore, she didnt felt like she was giving it her all and even though she loved me she felt that I have way too much than she gave back, and that she did not know if at any moment she was gonna feel completely infatuated with me.

All of this was so strange for me, I know she has issues in her head, especially because she is like a roller coaster, one day she is an up and fun loving person, the other she is down and feeling like life sucks. I am devastated, I have been through so much with her, but at the same time I have suffered a lot and feel that I should just close this chapter.

I know she will probably contact me back again, and am afraid of just going back, should I just do NC until I completely get over her?

I think you’ve answered your own question there matey. If it’s hurting you then it’s best to just let go and move on. I’m 9 days no contact with my ex who split with me 8 weeks ago and I have made myself ill just pining after her and constantly running things round my head so I’m just thinking if it happens it happens, if not then fuck it. She was my soul mate and I’m 43 and had several much longer relationships but never felt pain like this and it’ll eat you up if you let it