Ok so a quick summary of my situation . Met my soul mate a year ago . Neither of us had ever experienced such a deep level of connection it blew both our minds !!cut a long story short in the past year I lost 3 close dear friends & he sadly lost his daughter . We split at new year but remained best friends as he said he couldn’t be in a relationship but tells me he loves me & always will . Sadly we made the mistake of sleeping together a few weeks back & it messed everything up . We both got really upset about it because it felt so natural & it reminded us both of what we had . Anyway he’s been " dating " a few women & has now told me he’s planning on going on holiday with a girl he’s been seeing barely 2 weeks !!! Even though he says he doesn’t want a relationship & he’s still grieving over his daughter who only died 4 months ago . I know him better than anyone & know he’s trying to fill that void left by his daughter . All we have done the past few days is argue & I just want him back . He tells me all the time he knows he’ll never meet anyone like me who understands him , who he can confide in as a best friend ( he tells everyone I’m his best friend ) no one who will give him that " Valium for the soul feeling " that only I have ever given him & vice versa . I just need some advice on how to get him back . I’m going through a tough time too dealing with the loss of my 3 friends , his daughter & the loss of our relationship . He’s hot & cold with me all the time & I can’t believe he’s planning a holiday with a woman he’s been seeing barely 2 weeks ( btw we are both in our 40’s ) It wasn’t all doom & gloom while we were together we both had some of the best cherished moments of our lives & a holiday abroad that we both agreed was the best holiday either of us have ever had . I’m at my wits end because I love this man heart , body & soul much much deeper than I’ve ever loved anyone . Please please please tell me what to do !!! Thank you
Have you tried NC? It seems hard in your situation.