Lost the one person I truly saw a future with.

It’s somewhat of a long story, but basically, we met around 9 or 10 months after he got out of a messy relationship with his ex wife, which was a good ten years or so of physical/mental abuse on her part.

We dated for about 7 or 8 months, and I don’t believe we had a single fight up until the day he broke up with me. Early Feburary, his ex wife did something that drove him to attempt suicide, and I was with him through all of it. He’d been very upfront with me about her when we first started dating, and had never shown me any violence or abusive behavior. In fact, I felt safer with him than I have others I’ve dated.

My favorite memory of us, ironically enough, is after I brought him home from the hospital and he mentioned he was still interested in going out for Valentine’s Day dinner. So we went out the next day and got fancy clothes and shit - something different, since neither of us are the type to dress up. On the way back to get dressed, I suggested he see if his ex wife would be up to letting us bring his little son with us to dinner, since the reason he attempted suicide was because she refused to let him see the kid at all that weekend and was threatening to push for full custody/police involvement out of spite (this has since been taken care of - kid is doing fine!)

We went to dinner with the kid, took him back to his mom afterward when he got sleepy, and then took a walk by the water downtown. I just wanted to give him something positive to think about when he went to work the next morning instead of having to carry the memories of that shitty weekend the whole time. Just wanted to show him someone loved and respected him.

From there, I helped him get an apartment in my apartment complex at a discount once the house he’d shared with his ex sold. I did what I could to encourage him/make him feel appreciated, and he did for me as well. When I found out he’d be able to go back to school this year, I bought him a Fitbit as a gift and planned to take him out for dinner that week - it’s something he’d been working toward but had to stop when his ex wife fucked up his finances. He told me it was the coolest gift anyone’s given him.

The fight he ended it over was something stupid, we were both tired/in shitty moods, but the next day, he drove off somewhere, texted me to essentially get my shit and get out (paraphrased), and told me he wanted to break up. After giving me a myriad of different reasons, he finally told me it was because he no longer felt the same. That I wasn’t “the one”.

I tried to be normal around him, but I couldn’t stop myself asking him questions, all of which he answered. He told me that the relationship hadn’t been a waste - that we’d shown each other we were both capable of being loved. That he cared for and respected me too much to keep dating me when he’d lost feelings.

About a week after he dumped me, he met another girl, and suddenly they’re all over each other on Facebook. He’s texting me less. Around May 22, he finally told me I was being obsessive and that I needed time to heal and he unfriended me on Facebook and went official with the new girl. No word from him since.

I’m doing 45 days NC, maybe longer. I wonder if he ever loved me - if he ever saw me as anything but a sex toy. He went to my therapy appointments with me when he could. Gave me the expensive guest bed in his house that never got used that he could’ve sold for hundreds. Was ready to run to my apartment at 4am when I woke suddenly with a migraine so terrible I thought I needed to be driven to the hospital. Do you do that for someone you don’t love or care about? He never stopped showing affection - never gave any sign that he was “done” with me.

Now it’s only taken him a month to completely forget I ever existed. The day he officially broke up with me, he deleted every picture of us or relating to us, even the ones of him that just happened to be like in my room or something. He erased me as quickly as he could and now appears to be deeply in love with this new girl. They go to parties/the beach all the time - all things he never really expressed much interest in doing when he was with me. She’s a recent divorcee, too and also has a kid that his kid can be friends with.

I just don’t understand. I never hurt him. I encouraged him as best I could without being overbearing. I didn’t buy him shit all the time. I listened to him when he felt worried. I even listened when he expressed frustration over the way his ex was handling the custody arrangement. Perhaps the only things I can think of that went bad on my part was my anxiety over my weight and the fear that he’d eventually dump me for someone prettier and skinnier - which he did. I’m doing better with weight loss/eating healthy now, and trying to be less down on myself. I had asked him what tI could change about myself, and he told me to be more confident.

If I can do all that I did for him, and still not be “the one”, then what makes someone “the one”? What makes someone worthy of love? Why her and not me, and why so soon? Do I even have a chance of getting him back if he’s moved on so quickly and deliberately? Why the hell is everyone constantly yelling at me to ‘forget about him and move on’? I don’t WANT to move on. I don’t know if I even want to ever date again. I did everything right and still once again lost to some other girl.


This is a very unstable man! I understand custody issues with his ex wife about his son could be traumatic, but trying to commit suicide doesn’t solve problems and he probably made the situation worse because of it. There might be more to this story than you’re aware of and you only know his side of things. Getting the police involved is serious and you have to wonder why she did it.

Even though there were good times, he said he lost feelings for you and you’re not “the one”. Now he’s with someone else and you had apparently been saying +/or doing something to make him think you were being obsessive. Whatever it was, you need to stop. There is no reason to think he used you as a sex toy because you agreed to have sex with him and it was mutual enjoyment. I’m sure he cares for you, but it’s not enough for him to want to be with you.

You are confused because he was still showing affection, but men have a way of acting normally right up to the minute they break up with a women. It’s just that they have been thinking long and hard about their decision until they get up enough nerve to end it. They think somehow doing it that way avoids hurting the woman, but it’s just confusing and maybe even cruel. But it is what it is. He’s done and he’s with someone else. I’m sorry and I know you’re hurting, but there’s not much you can do. Going no contact for 45 days or more probably won’t change the situation, but guess it’s worth a try.

It sounds like you were good to him and he was good to you too. If you often expressed anxiety over your weight, your looks and also voiced concern that he might leave you … it was like showing him your low self esteem and men generally like women who have more confidence in themselves. But even that, usually isn’t enough to make men break up with someone they love deeply. It’s very difficult to answer why a man would choose one woman over another. Please believe you are worthy of love and I’m sure one day you will find someone very special again who would love and treat you like you deserve. People tell you to forget him and move on because they love and care about you and want the best for you. They think this just wasn’t the guy for you even though you thought he was…

One thing I can tell you, men want easy happy relationships without too much negativity. My advice is to continue therapy and try very hard to be happy doing things you enjoy and spending time with family and friends. Do not allow your thoughts to dwell on your ex or what you could have done differently or pondering why this all happened as you will never be able to fully comprehend it.

With the whole police thing, I was with him when it happened - she’d been pushing for full custody for about a month, but had previously been only working with lawyers like you’re supposed to and it never got her anywhere. I don’t remember for what charge she actually tried to get him arrested, but it got her slapped with a false report fine and that’s when she decided to try not allowing him to have his assigned days.

He admitted it didn’t help anything to try and kill himself and was selfish. But fortunately, she did calm down a lot after that week and started being more amicable with their limited no contact.

I was with him through all of that. Even on the days when he was ready to give up, I’d encourage him to keep pushing for his kid.

But I guess it doesn’t matter - nothing I did matters to him now. He just replaced me as quickly as he could like I wasn’t even there. Maybe when he sees me pull into my space across the complex every day after work, he laughs at the idea of ever being with me and goes to fuck his new girl. Maybe he’s angry that he picked an apartment unit so close to mine, but that isn’t my fault because he could’ve said no - I only suggested it because of the price.

I don’t understand what she gave him in two months to make her “the one” that I couldn’t in eight. I fell in love with him because I didn’t feel like I had to play some kind of complicated game - we just connected, and decided we were good for each other, up until he decided I couldn’t be whatever it is he wants in a girlfriend. Now I know he’s just as much of a player as everyone else. I don’t want to go back into the dating scene because I can’t play this stupid game of “hurt everyone you see until you find someone hot enough to keep”.

I already did stop calling/texting him and everything. He hates me and probably never wants to see or hear from me again. All because I dared actually show someone I cared about them.

@drejlord - I understand you’re hurt, angry, and confused right now, but you have the wrong attitude towards men. Most are not players and are looking for the same thing as women are and that is true love. You wrote: "I don’t want to go back into the dating scene because I can’t play this stupid game of “hurt everyone you see until you find someone hot enough to keep”. If you don’t want to date for awhile, I understand, but the last part ‘hurt everyone you see until you find someone hot enough to keep’ shows your low self esteem again. Love and caring has NOTHING to do with someone’s looks! And people are NOT out to hurt each other. When men and women are dating, at some point, each makes a decision whether to continue or not. It’s not about looks, it’s about how they interact and if they’re compatible and many other factors difficult to put into words. You were good to him and I’m sure he appreciates it. He was good to you too for the most part. Have you not dropped a guy for your own personal reasons? He’s with someone else and you actually have no idea if she’s “the one” or not. And it’s way too early for him to know that. Right now they’re just dating and getting to know each other, that’s all. Please let go of your resentments / bitterness as it will only serve to deepen your wounds.

Well…about that last part you wrote? I found out today that they’re now engaged.

She turned out to be the one.

Please help, this will be a long post, but I really need your opinions :(((((

This is will be long, but anyhow I really need your opinions ?

I just broke up with my ex bf 5 days ago, so it means less than a week. He broke up with me after 9 months of relationship. I need to add that for the last 2 months of our relationship, there were lots of arguments and turmoils going on in our relationship. It felt like after fight there was another fight, and i admit that mostly it was my fault. He’s been really patience in handling the situation. Until finally he snapped because I was drunk and I can’t control my self and my parents was mad with him, because that happened when I with him. But actually the one that invited us for drinking was one of my best friend. After that he said sorry directly to my parents and my parents forgave him. He also said that he didnt mad with my parents, that was a normal reaction, but he clearly disappointed with me. Well we still takk after that and eveything seems normal, but Ia few days after that, I felt something wrong, so I decided to confront him, why he changed etc.
Note: Before this i’ve always been a pushy person (but he always understand me and tried to calm me down).
And he said “it’s normal because there was a big arguments before and he knows everything’s going to be alright”, but I kept pushing him and even said Im not happy with him, and always bring up the “separation” topic which he hatessss, but I kept repeating it whenever I had a problem with him, in hope he will try to calm me down and begged me that he doesnt want it. It worked at that time, although I could see that he got tired. We kept going on with our relationship, but again I kept pushing him all over again. And finally after that we hadn’t met for almost 3 weeks, and he said but we’re still texting. Until i can’t cope it anymore and when i brought up the topic again and pushed him, he said “maybe its better for us to end it” and that was the first time I tried to keep our relationship (before it is always him). And I decided to come to his house, and we make up. Buttt after that, again I felt he changed. And I confront it again, i kept pushing him, at first he said “i’m sad you know, but i promise i will do anything to make our relationship back as it used to”, but maybe im dont have enough patience, and kept pushing him again and again, untuk the third time i pushed him, he said he was reallly tired and we decided to have a break (not a break up just a break).
Note: he’s been wanting to go overseas for working purpose. At first when our relationship was fine, he said it only for one years, but after he said the words “end it” for the first time he said he want to go forever, and when I tried to win him back (at his house) I said I’m willing to go with him. But, a week after that (after we make up) I said it’s really hard to leave, and he though i didnt wanna go with him, but i have explained it to him that i wanna go, and that’s all just a misunderstanding
Okay, so he said, that besides he’s tired of our relationship, he felt that i was lying when I said I wanted to go overseas with him. And i have explained it, it was all misunderstanding. So we had our first break (mutual break). It was 3 weeks ago.
We didnt chat or call or meet for 5 days. At the day 5 during our break, i said happy 9 months to him. And he didn’t reply. Right on the 12th day during our break, I chat him, i said “how how are you? I miss you”, he replied my text, and i told him i also doing fina, and what are you doing right now? And thats it. He said he just watching and he break up with me. Of course i didnt just say yes. I try to keep us together (but this time not pushy, i’ve been trying not to be a pushy needy girl during our break), and he said during these past weeks we didnt chat or meet he felt nothing. And thats the end. We break up.
And we haven’t chat or talk since then. Do you think is it possible that he completely forget about me now? And is it possible to get back with my ex? I dont plan to text him first, since i know it will be futile. What should i do? I love him and i can see my future with him. I really am sorry for all the things i did in the past.

Ps: my ex boyfriend said before, if its already break up then it’s a break up (when he told me about his friend that broke up and get back together), he doesnt like the idea of get back with ex. So i’m really afraid he wont text me nor get back with me.
But on additional note, he said he never did the things he did to me when he was with his ex (for example talking about marriage, lowering his ego to the point he always apologizing eventhough im the one that did the mistake, he was really selfish before, but when he was with me, he was really sweet.

Ps: this is my first boyfriend. And my friend said that if a guy asked for a break, means he already got a new girl.