Looking for advice, someone to listen

My ex and I are both 26 years old, had been together for a year, and were in a long distance relationship but we saw each other at least twice a month for at least 5 days at a time. We had broken up back in February (his idea). Came out of the blue, he said the distance was too hard. We had only gone a week without talking when he contacted me and said he thinks he made a mistake. We began talking again, I went to see him a month later and things were great.

We always had such a good time together and we had so much chemistry. But communication was tough in a long distance relationship, and we did get into our arguments.

He broke up with me a month ago. It was two weeks after we got into a bit of a big silly argument over text, and only a week after he came to meet my parents and came to my best friend’s wedding where we had a great time together. The break up felt very out of the blue like the first time. This time his reason was that he was unhappy and wanted to be single. He was crying hard during this conversation (he did it over the phone) and he also kept calling me “babe” by accident. He said that I’ve been such a big part of his life this past year that he doesn’t want to lose me or the support I gave him but he can’t stay in a relationship where he isn’t happy. I was obviously very upset but I was also angry because I felt like a fool for letting this happen to me again.

We were planning on me moving to where he is and he seemed genuinely excited about it. The night before he broke up with me he was saying how much he missed me, and the day of the break up there was absolutely no indication that he was going to end things. You’d think if someone were about to break up with you, they’d act cold or distant, no? Instead he was texting me all day, telling me how amazing I looked in pictures from the wedding.

A couple days after the break up we spoke because we had to sort out some money that we owed each other from buying things. Once that was sorted out, I said “I guess this is it then” to which he responded with a crying face and “I hope we can talk in the future.” My ex also told me that I can continue using his Netflix and spotify account (which only one of us can use at a time). He said that he hopes I can be a part of his life in the future.

Two weeks later I sent him a long message basically saying I didn’t want our relationship to end but I’ve accepted it. I said I was sorry that he was unhappy in our relationship, I wished we could be together but I know that’s something he has to want on his own, I said I know we need time right now but I hope we can stay in touch and I wished him well. He responded a couple days later saying my message made him tear up and smile. He said how strong of a foundation I was for him and how tough it is to stand alone, and then he ended his message by saying how confused he is. I told him to take his time and that I hope he figures out what he needs to.

A couple days ago I messaged him asking if he had the chance to send my things that I left at his place. His response sounded a bit depressing so I asked if he was okay. He said he doesn’t know if he would say he’s ok. He said he does miss me and not being able to talk to me has been hard, then said he’s still trying to organize his head and thoughts. About an hour later he messaged me to tell me that he was going to be coming to a city near me for work for the week. I asked if he was telling me this because he wanted to meet up and he responded “I don’t think I’m ready to meet up, I’m sorry.” I said I was confused why he told me then, but he said it was for a “heads up.”

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I know really all I can do is give him space and keep doing my own thing. I know that he has left me twice and I’d be a fool to want to try things again, but deep down I want to. When we were together it was amamzing. I believe he is extremely confused and I’m not going to blame him for that. I have been on a couple dates in the month we have been broken up, and I did not have a great time. It was probably way too soon, but all I could think about was how much more fun I had with my ex and how I just wished I were with him. Every day that goes by I feel like I miss him more and more - whereas other break ups I’ve been through I felt it was the opposite.

@lcoco21 - Long distant relationships are difficult because a guy wants to be able to see and touch the girlfriend often. These types of relationships rarely work out. I’m sorry this happened to you. Texting too much seems to often lead to arguments because things can be misconstrued easily. For future reference, talk on the phone more or see a guy in person. Texting should only be used to set plans or light conversation once in a while. Sounds like he really loves you and I don’t know why he would be unhappy, except he did say he wanted to be single. Young guys like to be free to date and not have to answer to anyone, then later on when they’re more mature, settle down into a relationship. You need to give him time (probably much longer than 30 days) and DON’T message him. Wait for him to message you. I understand your fear if he came back, he would break up a 3rd time. Heal your heart and then start dating other guys, but be sure to see how unique each one is and if meet your criteria. You can have fun dating once you get past your hurt. Someday maybe your ex will come back, but don’t put your life on hold for him. Wishing you the best…

@patricia12 - Thank you. I’m going to give him time and not message him. I really do want to be with him, I obviously didn’t want the relationship to end. Things seemed like they were going well because I was going to move there. We did struggle a lot with communication over texting. He wasn’t a big phone or FaceTime guy, although he did make the effort to call me often. He said he felt trapped in the relationship at times and that is why he was unhappy. I think a big part of it was that he was the only one out of his close friend group who was in a relationship, and they would all go out together. I don’t think he’s ready for a committed relationship especially if he’s saying he needs to be single. But I do think he still cares about me. In a way though it sounds like he’s trying to keep me in his life possibly as the back burner, the way he keeps saying he is confused and needs to organize his thoughts it’s like he’s stringing me along because he doesn’t fully want to lose me. Since I am still using his Spotify account I can see what music he has been listening to and he’s been listening to a lot of sad, depressing songs since we broke up. The situation sucks but I am not going to put my life on hold for him. I do think it is harder this time around, also because he came back once so it’s giving me hope that maybe he will do it again.

@lcoco21 - I’m sure he still cares about you a lot, but he needs to get the “wanting to be single and fancy free” out of his system. Please don’t think of yourself as being on the back burner! He’s confused and torn between you and being single, but I’m sure he doesn’t want to lose you. As I said before, it’s a sign of his youth. Also like you said, his friends are single and he wants to have fun with them. I think he’ll be back too, but it might be a long time. Continue no contact by not initiating anything. Go out and try to enjoy some dates whenever you’re ready…


I came across this article by the “love doctor” online and she talks about how she believes staying in contact with your ex significantly increases your chances of getting back together. She says that staying in contact shows mental strength and emotional maturity, loss of communication means the two of you become disconnected and the longer it goes the more you become disconnected, open lines of communication gives you a better idea of where you stand and if there’s a chance of getting back together whereas no contact leaves you in false hope for longer than necessary, and also that open communication gives you a chance to demonstrate how things can be different.

I’m curious what people’s thoughts on this is. In a way I agree with her, but I also understand the importance of no contact. While open communication with your ex can be great it can also backfire. I believe the lines of communication are still open between my ex and I. He never once said to me to not contact him, and when I have needed to ask him something, he’s always responded. A week ago we even expressed to each other how hard it’s been not being able to talk to each other.

While I do agree with you @patricia12 that I should let him initiate contact, I’m also torn. I know he’s confused, but part of me wonders if he wants me to still talk to him and try to make him change his mind? Certain things he’s said has made me believe that. I would never beg, but I do see how staying in contact helps build attraction again. If I don’t initiate anything and wait to see if he messages me, I sort of feel like I’m holding on to false hope. I also don’t want him to think that I don’t care.

@lcoco21 - You wrote:“part of me wonders if he wants me to still talk to him and try to make him change his mind?”. He broke up with you twice already, so please don’t try to make him change his mind! He has to be the one to initiate a reconciliation, if or when he wants to. Staying in touch would be a good idea if you can keep the conversations short and lighthearted. But keep your options open to other guys.