LDR/First love/together from young age

My ex and I were together for 5 years. We got together at the end of highschool, and currently I am completing college and he is working full time. For the past 4 months, we had been in a long distance relationship.

Our breakup was somewhat mutual. I loved him deeply, and wanted to be with him forever, however I did not feel fulfilled in the relationship and was not getting what I needed, particularly with him being long distance. He thinks I’m great, but said he isn’t in love enough to make the relationship work long distance/has had doubts about whether he just loves and cares for me ,or if this is something he wants for the rest of our lives.

We have not been in contact for two weeks (since the breakup). I feel sad, but also somewhat relieved because I do believe this is what we need at least at this stage in our lives. He has expressed that he wants to speak to me in a couple of months, and touch base to have a talk. He has said that he hopes he can be the partner I deserve one day, but at this stage does not know if he can. My view of the breakup is that it’s the combination of doubt having never been with anyone else, being long distance and having been together for so long.

Separately, he has some emotional/personal issues that he is working on and has admitted he needs to work through alone. I am unsure whether this means he wants to get back together with me at some stage, or if he is just trying to make himself feel better by saying he wants to touch base in the future and wants to be able to say he made a mistake and fight for me back.

For me, if we did get back together, I would want it to be when we are living in the same city again, and after some time apart. He will most likely move home at the end of next year.

I need advice on whether I should be moving on completely, or whether it seems like we would get back together.

There is no possible way to know what will happen in the future. It seems he cares a lot about you, but he has doubts as to whether he loves you. There’s nothing you can do about it at this point. Better to move on without thinking he will somehow change his mind. Sorry this happened and wish you the best.

Hi Ella, Patricia is right. We can’t tell the future or what’s on his mind. Try the NC and if he doesn’t comeback just move on. After disappearing from his life is most likely that he realizes life sucks without you. However always expect the worse of people. Update us on your outcome.