Is This a Positive or Negative Respond?

We broke up almost 2 months ago(25th of jun) because of the argues we did and she lost the connection to me due to those argues and I acted needy during the break up and didn’t contact her for 6 days.After that I just contacted her and asked something about the school over Instagram.He came online and waited 10 mins to respond.Then responded a long text that explains my question but he was acting like I’m a stranger.

After 3 days later I contacted her and tried to talk casually and sent it a funny cat video and said " Did you see this video XD?" . He only said “yes” . I felt sad and asked him “why are you behave me like this.Are you talking with another guy and this is why you behave me like I’m insignificant?”

She said " I wanted to end the relationship.We could be friends but after your last mistake, I didn’t want it anymore as well.This does not mean you’re a bad guy."

Then I said “You followed a guys on instagram.Hope you are good with him”.I know I acted negatively and jealosy.I was not ready to talk to her.

She said “I don’t want to hear what you create in your mind, I always hated this.”

This was the first time I did it.And I said " You’re right ,I shouldn’t do it." And she said " I just want to remove you from the social media 'cause I 'm disturbed about this."
I said “Ok, do what you want.”

Then she removed from everywhere except deleting my number.

2 days later I contacted her AGAIN and asked her “Do you hate me?” she came online and went offline without reading my message.I thought she’s busy and acted like needy again and told her “I miss you. Ok, I’m better now and living my life but somethimes our memories comes to my mind and I feel so sad”. She said “We broke up badly so I don’t want to talk to you.You text me but I don’t want to respond.”
Then I asked her to meet and talk about the break up.Of course she rejected.I responded like

" That’s ok.But I just want to know that I’m changed and I did some faults, hope you will it see someday."

She didn’t respond this message.

And I didn’t contact for 20 days.Also we see each other at school 2 days a week but we ignore each other.

In this 20 days I started to make music covers.And after 20 days I just shared a cover video on whatsapp status.She didn’t check it.

And the morning after this night I’ve noticed that I can’t see her profil picture anymore.I thought he blocked me.And sent a clapping hands emoji to see what happened.

She read the message.

The same day I just noticed that there’s a feature which you can create an album on line app. I just added our photos and created an album called " nice moments". And a notification sent to him that “created an album”.And I was like " Oh , shit a broke the NC" XD . And texted him like " Sorry , I was just trying something.I can’t delete it so please ignore it." And this message got seen immediately.After 1 min she deleted her Line account.

I started the NC all over again.After 11 days(yesterday). We finished the school and my exam result is very very bad.I was shocked.And decided to ask her what’s her result and ask if there is a compensation exam.

He came online after 1 hour and stayed online about 4,5 mins then responded “I got what I expect and didn’t know about the compensation exam.”

I want to increase the frequency of the conversation.So I want to ask does it count a positive response or negaitve response? Or maybe a neutral reponse? Should I try my chance do start a conversation again with exciting texts or go to NC again?

Sorry for my bad English.

@takamoto - She doesn’t want to talk or meet up. Start NC again for 1 or 2 months.