That’s my story but to summarize it all, she basically had enough of me because I “treated her like shit” when I was just jealous and demanding sometimes. The last time we talk was after she came back from the hosptial where she said she couldn’t do this anymore and needs space but still claims to love me. The reason why she went to the hosptial is because she had depression and her parents found out about it. I then contacted her 2 days straight to forgive me and take me back. After all that, she blocked me off of everything & said she will never get back with me I treated her badly and just had enough of everything. I also came back from the hospital from having an anxiety attack because I recently found out a week later she’s already taking to someone and from what I saw which was a guy running out of her house, that she slept with him already.
Now it’s been the 22nd day of no contact and I have been taking therapy everyday and honestly I feel better. Since I have friends on social networks, I see her being with friends with people she hated and told me not to talk to. Which confuses me because how can she immiedietaly be friends with them when she doesn’t like them. She’s been happy lately and doesn’t seem like this breakup didn’t mean much to her. It’s been 3 years and 4 months that we lasted. Last year around the exact same thing the same thing happened in which she left me for the same reason, dated another guy, and then she came back. But I have a huge feeling this time is different to her and she might think twice before she’ll want to talk to me. I don’t know if The letter would make a difference because her parents hate me and if I even get near her, her brother, which goes to the same school, sees her everywhere she goes. She always had issues of liking bunch of guys in the relationship. So idk if she’ll ever come back or anything?
Any advices or feedback is appreciated.
I have been reading everything and it sounds like she is just dating guys just to forget you I believe (rebounds) if you dated that long she is still hurting and will surely still have feelings for you no doubt.
My advice to you is concentrate on yourself first man go to the gym keep yourself preoccupied you know.
Trust me it will hurt I know but be strong, once you have her out your system and she sees you enjoying yourself she will also think to herself “why has he forgotten me” women don’t want misserable guys they want there man to be strong and confident you know and also caring.
Honestly buddy you seem like you are concentrating on yourself which is good so keep up going to counciling and concentrate on yourself then on the 30th day send a letter forget the parents and just remind her of all the good times you had but also talk about how she is you know put her first.
Anyway good luck bud
Thank you for the reply, yea that can be the case in which she is trying to forget about me but what I would like to know is if she’ll ever come back? Will she eventually move on and forget about me? We literally live right in front of each other and see each other everyday in my first class in which we sit next to each other. Last year when the exact same thing happened she contacted me saying “hey do you still hate me” and we kicked it off there. I just don’t know if this time it’s different.
In her mind right now she’s thinking I’m the worst guy she has ever dated and keeps posting on her Twitter and such retweeting things such as " your real love will show you that your first love wasn’t your real love" so it shows she doesn’t even have a single positive thought about me. Any feedback on that ?