Is NC the right approach to my particular case?

My 32 year ex-gf left our house two months ago. As I had a really bad time with the relationship and several other problems, it was something like a relief.

After 3 weeks of NC at all, I was feeling better and contacted her so as to fix things. However, I realised that she was really hurt and confused instead of missing me, I think. After I met her, she even huged and kissed me, but the day after she told me it was a mistake and that she wavered, which at least for me was a signal that she had a plan to step back, break up and have NC with me so as to forget me.

Then she implemented it. I started freaking out and made a lot of mistakes, such as sending her long and numerous text messages, emails, talking to her parents until the day she sent me a message telling me that she did not love me anymore and did not miss me. She avoided saying that. She just said she was confused, needed time and space and that she was not sure about her feelings anymore. As I put a lot of pressure on her during 20 days, I don’t really know if she meant it.

She was the last one to text. I didn’t reply to her text. I am not sure whether this was the right decision or I should be the last one to do it, but then I went NC immediately (I started it 16 days ago). I am not part of any social network at all. I only use whatsapp and she blocked me from the very beginning, so the only way I could contact her is through SMS.

Before dating me she had an also long relationship which lasted 9 years. We dated for 7 years, having lived 2 years and a half together. I learned from her previous relationship that NC from the side of her ex-bf didn’t really affected her and she moved on to me some months later. Well, actually she told me that she thought of him after we had a serious argument and unblocked him on google talk but it happened many years ago and I really think she is over him. But I think that NC from his side helped her forgetting him years later. In that case she was the dumped one.

This time it is a bit different. She is accused me of being verbal abusive, which I finally realised to be true, and then she dumped me. Ever since she simply ignored me and also implemented NC, but seemingly not to get me back but to get over me. When she broke up with me, she said she needed time and space to get some self-esteem, to get some self-knowledge and so on, but I also think she wanted to heal her affective dependency, which she is supposed to have according to her psychotherapist.

I intend to end NC on November 1st, when it would be our 7th anniversary, but I don’t expect to get any reply.

I am struggling to decide what to exactly text, because I have some goals when doing it, such as getting some power back and kind of leaving the door open without looking needy and desperate to get her back. I’m not sure if I have to apologize again, recall some good memories and show her that I already changed a lot - which is true as a matter of fact, since I acknowledged and accepted my mistakes and compromised myself to not let them happen again.

The point is that I don’t feel it will be meaningful, because for the time being she doesn’t to seem to be interested if I’ve changed or not, but it’s now all about herself.

So my question is: should I get into so many details as I described above when ending NC in two weeks? Should I leave an open-ended question or just let it go? If she doesn’t reply (I am pretty sure she won’t, because it is recent and she is about to move in to a new house and bought all the furniture she will need and spent a lot of money on it and will be probably very busy), what should I do? Should I contact her again some weeks later or simply accept and let her go?

I’d just like to recall that I’m not sure if NC is the right approach to my case

Thanks for your time and patience you spend to read such a long story

Verbal abuse is almost as bad as physical abuse or cheating. The best thing she did for herself was to break up with you so she wouldn’t have to feel hurt, angry, and unhappy anymore. It will take a long time before she could trust that you wouldn’t revert back to verbally abusing her again if you two reconciled. So yes, no contact is best in your case! She needs time for the very bad memories of the way you treated her to fade. Consider sending the letter (Nov 1st) you wrote in your other post and apologize specifically for verbally abusing her and you know how much it hurt her. Let her know you realize it was the reason for the breakup and you would never ever do it again, but would always show respect if she decided to come back to you someday. Ask her if she would like to start out slowly by doing some fun things together such as inviting her to visit the zoo (like you mentioned in your other post). It might take some time for her to consider all the things you write in the email, but don’t lose hope. Don’t contact her again until you hear something back from her. Maybe send a short text 3 weeks later to ask how she’s doing. If no reply to either one, then wait until later December to wish her Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I hope she will forgive you and respond to the email.

Dear @patricia12,

thank you once again for your as usual insightful remarks. But I’m still really confused. As I said, she doesn’t seem to be interested in the changes I may have undergone. It really seems that she’s doing this for herself.

Sometimes I think that odds are not entirely against me, since she didn’t move on to another guy, as far as I’m concerned and she is going to live all alone, which does not necessarily mean that she won’t meet another guy soon and that is what I’m afraid of too.

Do you think mentioning the reasons why we broke up and apologize and so recall the band memories is worth it? And also to directly tell her that I’d like to come back is also a good idea? It is very intuitive indeed, but it is quite the opposite of what everything I’ve read so far, because all these blogs tell us to not talk about willing to get back together when first contacting the ex-partner after the NC time is over

Thanks once again

Yes of course she’s doing this for herself! The reason she broke up with you is for herself and for her own protection and sanity. Ask yourself why anyone would want to stay in a relationship with a verbally abusive person. It’s horrible and nobody can put up with it for long. I was just wondering if you ever apologized specifically for verbal abuse. You said you wanted to leave an open door, so asking about the zoo or maybe asking her to contact you if she ever wants to go for lunch and talk might be a good idea. But if you want to leave all that out of the first email, okay. I think it’s normal that she would not be interested in changes you’ve made because she is still VERY upset! It will take time for her to soften and remember more of the good times with you. So write whatever you think is best and go with your feelings. Don’t be afraid of her moving on to another guy and you don’t have any control over that anyway… Try to think positive and I’m hoping and praying for a good outcome:)

Thanks Patricia,

I am also for going with my feelings, but at the time I’m afraid of making more mistakes. I went with my feelings and desperately texted her, pleaded and begged, so I don’t feel confident enough to make some important decisions like that anymore. I feel like I’d be faking if I just contacted her without saying sorry.

I wrote her a long letter before the NC period, but I don’t think I ever apologized specifically for being verbally abusive.

I take this opportunity to tell you how much I admire you for being so kind, caring and supportive.