So me and my ex have been broken up for 2 months. It was not until a month into the break up that I began the no contact rule. Then , after some time, I reached out to them again. It went fine for the first few days but then everything went left when we began talking about the past , and he eventually blocked me on every form of social media, save for a dummy account he made to catch up on me occasionally. He claimed he did not want to be friends with me because he lost trust, and therefore desired no further contact with me unless it was on his terms. I thought all hope was lost, until his cousin reached out to me today and told me how he seems “sad” and told him how he still “misses me very much” but he does not want to enter into the relationship as he fears he will be hurt again, as I broke up with him. I am just confused by this contradiction, as he claims to still miss me but has me blocked on every social media network. How do I go from this?
@SiMadi4266 When did you contact him? Since you were a couple for about 2 years, he might miss you in that he has some good memories. But there were too many bad/hurtful ones too. He doesn’t want to be friends right now because he’s thinking the bad things will start happening again. Try no contact again to allow the bad memories to fade into the background. Don’t discuss him on social media or with friends!
You wrote:“…desired no further contact with me unless it was on his terms…” What terms did he say?
Good luck:)
I went no contact for a month. I agree however, there are good memories but there are a lot of bad ones, but I feel I rushed no contact because I feared the rebound could take him away for good. He has admitted that this is a rebound, however, I let fear make me reach out to him and try to solve things way too early.
When he discussed communicating on his own “terms”, he expressed how he wanted to call and contact me whenever, but I could not do the same. Essentially, all communication was on his time, not mine. Shortly after, I stopped responding and then that is when he blocked me on everything. Then, shortly after that is when his cousin reached out to me.
I’m blunt. If you don’t want bad news, don’t read.
One can miss you without desiring a relationship. I would not take that in itself as any sort of sign of reconciliation. If he wanted to be with you again, it would be important for him to tell you that he misses you himself. Everyone is sad after a break up, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still a break up.