I keep messsing everything up , do I still have a chance to get him back ??

So I usually have mood swings , but only when he does something I don’t like … on this particular day we went out with his friend and his friends girlfriend to a restaurant ,he didn’t ask me what I wanted to order but asked the other girl , I was jealous and I started to have my mood swings , fast forward to after dinner we were supposed to stay in a hotel but he decided to stay at his friends place without telling me first and it made me more angry , I wanted to hurt him back so I called a guy in the middle of the night it made him really jealous and angry ,next morning I tried to talk to him but he was being cold so I asked him to get me a cab to go home , we fought over text and he asked me to stop messaging him , so I went back to his friends house and he wouldn’t open the gate to talk to me so I went over the fence that obviously turned him off but he said he had forgiven me , but he started to act distant after that … 1 week after I asked him if something was wrong and he said something had changed about his feelings since that day I jumped over the fence he asked for space so I gave him space … didn’t contact him for two weeks then I messaged him and asked him if he wanted to break up he said he didn’t know and that he still had feelings for me , so I told him we could meet up when he was back in the country as he was on vacation then … when he got back he didn’t contact me , so I sent him a message asking to meet up , he didn’t reply so I gave it one week and called him again this time he finally broke it off , he said he still cared about me but not in that way …I already unfollowed him on social media sites but he still followed me on Snapchat even if I wasn’t following him back … that day he broke up with me my best friend who is a guy asked me to come over to his house so I wouldn’t be home alone and sad , I went and I posted a video of I and my best friend driving to the mall ( we were actually going to get ice cream so I could eat it while I cry ) immediately he watched it he unfollowed me on Snapchat … it’s been 8 days now and I haven’t contacted him and he hasn’t tried to contact me and I don’t think he will … I want to send him a text after no contact to apologize for my immature and disrespectful behavior and that I hope we can talk soon …
I really have realized I have a lot of personal issues I need to work on and am doing that but I don’t think he would want to get back with me and it breaks my heart not even sure if I should try …

Note that we dated for just three months , we were moving very fast and am sure he was serious about me , I met most of his friends and his brothers and he was always interested in meeting my sisters and friends too …

@tarhshar - It seems you’ve posted about this before. Sorry, but to be honest, you sound a little unhinged and in desperate need of therapy. Can you honestly blame him for breaking up with you after all the crazy things you did? It was a short time relationship of only 3 months and I don’t think he would want to get back with you and I don’t think you should try. Don’t contact him again and please get some professional therapy. It would not be wise to date again until you’re stable…