My girl friend suffers from severe PTSD from her previous marriage. She keeps breaking up and than coming back to me. Every week she becomes distant for 3-4 days.
Last week she told me she has nothing to do with me & even call the cops on me. Police told me to stay away from her. I really care about her. Her PTSD is going on since last 5 years. Even her family doesn’t care about her. She works for her father who is very demanding. She was married to an alcoholic and abusive man. Right after her separation she entered in a relationship with her next door neighbor
this went on & off till five years. She has very low self esteem. I always respected her wishes. Every time she would tell me she needs space I would respect it. But last week she told me not to show up at her house & I couldn’t stop myself
because I was really worried about her that she might harm herself so I went to her house to check on her. I also got threat from her ex husband & I told her about it. She got mad at me. I really want to help. But I have no clue what to do.
Now police got involved. They called me twice & told me to stay away from her.
I am loosing my mind now. I was hospitalized after this breakup.
@zahid - You need to think about why you would want to be with someone who has so many serious problems and you must realize that you can’t fix her. It would be better for you to be alone or with someone who doesn’t have mental problems. Take the threats from the ex husband and the involvement of the police as more reasons to stay away from her. Don’t contact her again and focus on your own life and well being. Take care and God Bless…
Thanks for your reply. I am trying my best. But I find it very difficult to control myself. Knowing that she is alone & needs help. Breaks my heart. Should I inform her parents about her situation. They have no idea. What’s going on in her life. I am worried that she might hurt herself.
I’m going through a similar situation. I was told on bad days “I’m going to try any push you away please don’t let me do that” and when a PTSD showed up I tried like hell not to be pushed away and it ultimately ended our relationship after being engaged for a month. It’s been 2 weeks today and this is the longest break up we hand had (2 others prior to this) I’m so madly deeply in love with my ex but head tells me I need to just leave it. The relationship will never be healthy. This time around I have been blocked on all social media And texts go completely unanswered. I fear the no contact rule because PTSD and anxiety are a whole be playing field with insecurities. But we both need to understand that we can’t fix them anymore than they can good themselves. And this will just be a vicious cycle. Best of luck to you I feel your pain on PTSD