How to reopen the lines of communication?

I’m going to skip the background story and cut to the chase: I broke up with my boyfriend after learning that he had cheated on me and orchestrated an elaborate cover story. He was thinking of leaving me for the other woman, but I found out and broke up with him first. I handled the break up like a mature adult. I was calm, in control, and even kind as we discussed the circumstances of the break up. Within hours of breaking up, I decided that it would be best for me to unfriend my ex, all of “his” friends (the mutual friends I had made from the relationship), and his family members. So, I removed him from Facebook, and I sent him a text message that read, “I removed you from Facebook. It hurts too much to see you. I just need some time to get over you. Please don’t contact me.” It’s been a week and, so far, he has honored my wishes to be left alone. I still care about my ex, and I would eventually like to try being friends again. (We were friends for years before we started dating.) I don’t know how soon I will be ready to be friends again. But, when the time comes, I don’t know how to initiate contact and reopen the lines of communication. I’m concerned that he may not wish to speak to me. He may be angry that I cut him off or too ashamed of his actions (cheating on me) to see me again. He had expressed desire to remain friends as we were breaking up, but I told him that I couldn’t promise that at the time, since I was so hurt by his cheating. He was sobbing as we said our goodbyes, and the last thing he said to me was, “I love you.” I’m still too hurt to speak to him, but I feel that I will want him back in my life at some point. How long is long enough but not too long to wait to reach out to him? (I know, minimum 30 days…) and what do I say? “Hey! Let’s be friends again?” I’m open to suggestions! Please help! Thank you!

How’s this?

“What do you say we go back to being friends again? I still care about you, and I miss having you in my life. I’m here, if you want to talk.”

I think that’s a great idea but make sure your ready to be his friend. Because you may still have feelings for him and he’s going to see that and use it to his advantage especially if he ends up dating someone else just be careful and make sure your ready…

After I come from Miami… I’m going to write my ex a letter hopefully he reads if he don’t oh well and just get closure for him because he bascially left me for someone else even though he didn’t cheat it still felt that way because he was flirting with Someone. I’m going to let him know that if he want to be friends we can and I’m there for him …and inside that letter I’m going to give him back his promise ring hopefully that sparks so emotions…but I’m still debating on should I do it because a part of me want him to respond and if he don’t I think I’m going to just hurt myself even more because he might not even care…So I think I’m going to wait another month