Ok let me try to Explain this as easily as possible. I’m 28 year old male and I was dating a 41 year old woman. We dated for a little over 7 months. Of course this isn’t king but you can find someone that means the world to you and have spent less time with them then anyone else. When I say she is absolutely wonderful in my eyes, I mean it. She could hurt me all day everyday and I would still manage to find nothing but positive words to speak about her.
Our relationship was good for the most part. In the beginning we spoke about things and she made sure to tell me she has issues with opening up due to the fact she was hurt many years(12) ago by her sons father. She is known for breaking up with people when they get close.
I seen this and I understood but I knew something was there , and there was. I’m a very very passionate lover. I treat a woman the way they are suppose to be treated. I would leave her notes around her place and car, buy her random surprises , leave her flowers, and make sure she felt beautiful and loved at all times. I would apologize when I shouldn’t have, just to save face and make her happy.
Well into our relationship she told me her family never really accepted any of her boyfriends. Then I find out her family really really accepted and liked me . They would invite me and my son over and to games or what not.
I tried to make sure I did my best to show them my maturity. So a few weeks pass and she starts getting quiet one day and fit leads to her kinda splitting but not actually . She said she needed space and she was crying saying she feels so lost and hates that she has trouble allowing love in. She said she wished she could love Like I do and she said maybe writing would help. So I went got her a journal and in the front of it I started the first journal entry and on the last page I wrote something saying no mater where you are come back to me. A few days after this we got back together and everything was going amazing again. She was slowly opening up. We spent a weekend together and she went out of her way and beyond to see me so it seemed amazing!! We love one another and both constantly spent Nearly every minute together and I would spend most nights at her house … she is very independent from boyfriends in the fact that she never moves in or lets them move in . But i did spent countless nights after nights there at hers…
Well into all this Monday comes and we wake up and she is kinda distant . Makes no sense cuz the night before she and I were hugging and kissing and she was expressing how much she loved me .
Well she went completely like cold and quiet and said in text the next day that she couldn’t do it anymore. That she loved me and all but not the same way I loved her. I went in scared mode and chased her. She ignored me countless times and finally we talked and she was just being completely cruel to me . As if she was a different person. I expressed to her over and over how much I loved her and would do whatever it took to prove so & that I deserved her.
Well we spent the following two weeks ignoring one another and blocking one another via social media to beginning to like one another’s pictures and then to messaging one another on ig which lead to her texting me finally.
Ever since his we have held contact and have hooked up numerous times and every single time I’m with her we are in awe of one another. She will not stop being sweet and vice verse with me.
When we are apart things are different, she is the quiet one and doesn’t reach out as much. She has shown countless times of jealously. Well the other day we had a talk cuz and she literally was in tears crying and revealed that she does in fact love me but she has a problem with worrying about what everyone thinks. She said she and I can slowly try to work on things but I can’t ask her big questions to to make any promises. And she said that we can’t be around each other all the time.
My question is where do I go from here.
Tonight I’m going over and she is cooking for us and we’re gonna have a great time like normal. She did mention she needs to see me being less touchy (pda) in public with her if we ever were together cuz it’s just nt who she is and I agreed. I told her I’ll do whatever it takes to make things work because I love her. She also admitted she is for sure certain that I love her and that she loves how I am so genuine in love with her and always make her feel wanted.
Where do I go from here ?
I feel like I’m putting in most of the effort and though she does want me and does love me … I feel like she is fighting it cuz she is scared to ether get hurt, or just simply doesn’t know how to let love in .
I completely and utterly love this woman and would do anything for her.