Most of the stuff I have read on the site seems to be geared toward a younger crowd than me. I am 41 and my wife of 13 years (on Dec. 21) just separated mid November and I moved out Dec 1. I want to try NC but we have kids and we work together. Given the time of year and everything we have to work out it is impossible not to talk everyday. I have been trying to just keep it to those topics but I always find a way to bring us getting back together into the conversation, even though I never intend to do it. She has her walls up and is unresponsive to my claims. Her biggest thing about us was that I was not motivated to finish school and get my designation for the job we do (I help her) leaving all the responsibility to her. My role was more the parent; run kids around, pick them up from school, cook supper, etc. Since just before we separated I started going to counselling to help with my issues and she know this. I feel I have made significant strides but have more work to do. She is skeptical of any real change.
She says she doesn’t love me anymore and doesn’t see a future with me. But then she leaves the door open a little with comments like I don’t know what the future will be and maybe we will get back together. Or “With you there will always be a chance” I am just so confused as to what I should do? Every part of me wants to fight to keep our relationship and family. I am scared during NC she will move on, she says she is not looking to date anyone but if someone comes along she will be open to it. I don’t know if my explanation of my situation makes sense but any advice would be helpful.