How should I respond?

Broke up one month ago. Been in limited contact with my ex, due to sharing a dog and certain work requirements. I moved out and do not initiate any contact unless work related or related to our dog. He has been texting me all along, every day, but about mundane things. I usually do not respond. However today he has texted me twice asking how I am and that he misses me. How do I respond to this, if at all. It seems like an opening and not sure how I should handle this.

@debradoo - How long were you living together? His texting about mundane things might just be ‘breadcrumbs’ in order to stay on friendly terms since you share a dog and some work related things. Or it could be his way of opening a door. If you’re not comfortable with the contact, let him know and continue very limited contact. Or you could ask him why he’s texting you so much.

We lived together 10 years. He is another relationship, but contacts me throughout the day sometimes with mundane stuff and for the last 3 days…how much he misses me. We are both self-employed (landscaper/maintenance and house cleaner) and we share customers so we do need to be in contact for work related issues, as well. Also, I am still currently moving my stuff out of his house so we do see each other occasionally. I am trying to maintain a very low key limited contact. I think it may be working as he has amped up his amount of texts to me. I do want him back…but it is way too soon for me to jump back into our relationship. All very confusing and emotional to say the least.

@debradoo - Because you lived together for 10 years, of course there would be many good memories as well as bad so it’s reasonable to assume he would be missing you. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to get back together especially since he’s in a relationship with someone else. If I were you, I would let him know that I don’t want frequent contact. Let him know you will only respond to questions about the dog or the transfer of your things out of his house. You need to lay low during the time he’s involved with someone else! Until he’s ready to dissolve that relationship and asks for reconciliation, there’s not much you can say or do.

Thanks for the advice. Things with him change on a daily basis. Yesterday I told him to please let me go so that I can move on. Today I see him, as he was home when I went to get more of my stuff, and he says he still loves me but is very confused. Ugh! Mind you…this man is 59 years old! This is worse than high school! I think he is having a late life mid-life crisis.