How do I start?

My ex boyfriend and i broke up two months ago after a stupid fight. He broke up with me. He wanted the “freedom”. We were high school sweethearts. He went to college 45 mins away for sports while i went to the university in our hometown. He talked about life with me and told his mom that i was the one. He was extremely rude to me over text for awhile. I stopped texting him for three weeks and he would send me one text each week asking when i would give him his stuff back or where were my nba season ticket membership seats were. I know he knows where our seats were. It’s spring break for us and he’s back home for awhile. Last night, after it got dark, i put a box of his things on his porch because thats what he wanted. I really did not want to. I am still in love with him. I really want him back. He just “cares about me as a person”. We were dating for two years. Each month we grew together and work hard in the relationship. Please please help me out.

Your story is almost like mine, I followed the no contact rule over six weeks, never call her, she began to call with excuses and talk to me, to ask how I am…

I believe who cares less controls the relationship, it is important to regain control, stay cool and well to doing the rigth approach and get him back…