I think that the name of this topic kind of speak for itself.
Me and my ex are going to be broken up for four months in a week.
We had a kind of terrible ending when I discovered that he was emotionally cheating on me.
I read some articles already, so if you want to dive deep into it, go ahead and read them.
Yesterday I was at a cabin with some of our mutual friends. He was there too.
I had a really hard time arguing with myself if I shoul go.
It was nice, I enjoyed it with my friends.
He haven’t spoke a word to me. He just said something about shots and called me by my whole name, what is something that he, in an eight years that I know him, never did…
He even brought there a vodka that I bought him last year when I was at Russia.
I didn’t think that he will apologize to me or anything crazy.
But I thought that he will say something.
But he ignored me the whole time.
I thought that maybe when I will see him I’ll be just like: what have you seen in him? But when I saw him it just insure me in the fact that I feel nothing just love towards this guy.
But he has moved on. For him I’m just another one in a row. He doesn’t want to talk to me or anything. He doesn’t want to be friends which we were before. He’s moving in a few weeks.
So, the question is easy. How the hell do I move on?
Cut all contact permanently. And I mean all contact. Like erasing him from your life.
Remove him from your friends on Facebook, remove all photos with him, etc.
Throw away things that belonged to him, like clothes for example.
Tell your friends that you want to spend time with them, but you don’t want to see your ex and hear about him while you hang out. If they are your true friends, they’ll understand.
Give yourself more time and heal. Don’t let anyone criticize you for still being hurt. In the meantime, try to concentrate on other aspects of your life.
If you are absolutely sure you want to move on and not try to reconciliate in the future, then cutting all contact permanently is fundamental.
I’m probably weak. I can’t throw all of it away.
I know that I still love him and I would do anything to be with him.
But him ignoring me the whole time kind of speak to me. That he really doesn’t want to do anything with me.
So, I guess that I have to move on somehow.
But I don’t understand why he liked my picture on Instagram about a two weeks ago.
That is not a sign of weakness of any kind. You’re just sensitive and you still have feelings for him and that’s completely normal. If you have trouble with forcing yourself to, for example, throw away stuff related to him or to remove him from your friends list, ask your closest friend for help in that matter, it’ll be a lot easier.
You cannot obsess over his every movement - liking your picture on Insta may mean nothing and he may have just done that involuntarily or by a mistake, we’ll never know. But the thing is you cannot obsess over it because it will drive you mad. That’s why cutting all contact is so important, especially in your case.
It may also mean that he wants to provoke a reaction from you by ignoring you and then giving you those tiny signs of his existence. And in my opinion, that’s another reason why you’d better be separate in every way - those kinds of emotional games are childish and only show his level of immaturity.
This guy is young and wants to be free. He treated you very badly and broke up with you several times. For your own sake and sanity you should follow Vladimir’s advice = Stop obsessing and cut all contact! Don’t you think you deserve a better guy?