days ago we were a happy couple…then one day i freaked out…she broke up…she came back the next day cause i tried to commit suicide …then at night she said that she loves someone else…but i think it’s a lie…even the day before she cried out saying that she loves me…then she started teasing me saying that they kissed , they are gonna get married soon and so on … my friends are suggesting to text her twice a day saying that i love her …but now she’s not even replying my texts …i really need her back …it’s really getting hard for me here… won’t she come back ?
You should cut contact with your ex ASAP and let her reach out to you. When she does, let us know.
You’re acting REALLY needy, REALLY desperate and REALLY clingy and the moment … even I can see that.
forT, you need to VALUE yourself! I never tried anything but there was a few days in a row I just felt like I couldn’t live. But trust me, YOU CAN! You NEED to heal! You NEED time alone right now! Get strong, get independent, love yourself! This is the most important, YOU are the most important. Stop texting, do no contact, and heal
it’s really getting hard for me here …won’t she be back ?
Hi, i am very sorry u are going through this…
You should understand that no girl in this world is more than your health. I think you should not take this suicide issue lightly and seek professional help asap !
Please put yourself as a priority now …
Please keep us updated with your improvements on yourself.
today’s the 2nd day of my NC …but she looks so happy online… what if she’s really with that new guy she told about ?
Dont panick. FB is most of the time misleading. If i were you, i would not check the FB at all and isolate myself from any kind of contact.
You can be checking the fb all the time and thinking of many different scenarios. You should def avoid this…
trying we’ve never been apart for such a long time
I understand but please dont be so harsh on urself…
Its normal that sometimes people are confused. Noone knows if she end up coming back to u or not but whats important right now is for u to try to feel better. think of things to do that u will not be thinking of her … Perhaps doing some sports ? Hanging with ur friends?
idk …i just want her back …i even fixed dates and then cancelled them … i can accept none but her …
I’ve tried hanging out with my buddies , spent hours in sports , rusted my phone battery playing games but all that’s in my head is that i want my baby back
Thats great u should keep doing that! Get urself outside the house… Make plans for trips. Can be short or long trips (have u been to europe?). Plans that u will look forward…
Take things day by day, step by step…trust me, u will feel better and better.
You can do this !!
i just want her back …nothing else
forT you sound totally like me! Omg… I wish I would have kept a log of everything so I could tell people how I overcame things…
At the end of the first or second week I saw a funeral and thought “Nope, still worse than he/she is”. I told my mom to please meet me out the house and we went and sat down in a garden. I wouldn’t talk. Just be there thinking how did I do this. How did I lose the best person to appear in front of me. He treated me so well, and I was such an idiot. And it is true, for the most part it was my fault. But anyway there I was. Thinking this is the worse thing ever… “I can’t stand this. I can’t live like this”. I was thinking of the children in Africa, of the girl from my school that died 10 years younger than I am today. “I was given the blessing of existing… and still I just don’t care about life anymore. I am nothing without him. I am nothing if I didn’t grab him with both hands, with my heart, with my soul and wasn’t able to keep us happy, him happy, treat him well. I am nothing”. I sat there trying to convice myself of something but I just didn’t care. I told my mom “i’m going nuts. i can’t cntrol myself, im going crazy. im afraid of myself”. I was about to call him to come over or something when I thought it could only make me worse. So I let that go. Asked for a friend to come over. In the meantime I was trying to just take it minute by minute. Not think about it minute by minute. I slept in the living room for a few days. I needed a change of scenery. Spent days playing an online game with friends everyday until 5 6 7 am. Slept 3 hours, got up. Barely ate. This was my life for almost two weeks. I went to get a psychologist a week after the break up. And I am still waiting to be called to go after 4 months. If I got thru it without one, anyone can. From 1 to 10, 10 being the I really cannot live another minute, I was a 9. I ran and tried not to look down when passing thru high places or I was afraid I might act.
I really tried to just listen to everyone, got surrounded by a lot of people trying to help me and see things diferently. Positive people saying we could still get back. That maybe we just needed some time. Read stories of people getting back. Read the five step plan 2 or 3 times a day. The “one month no contact” gave me a lot of hope. That I would change what I was doing wrong, that I was gonna improve my life. Started listening to upbeat music, music saying I would overcome things, I was amazing, I was strong, and absorving the lyrics.
Also I thought, if I try to end my life then I will really not be able to get him back.
Then little by little I started taking comfort in small things. I would go out just a few hours at a time. I only felt safe at home. By the 2.5 month mark I could already go out for hours and not think of him. Now I almost overcame it all.
I know these are really small things, but this is how we can go thru it in the beggining. With small tricks. Also remember, your ex is a drug to you, you feel you need her to survive. It’s your mind playing tricks on you!
And now, almost 4 months later, things are a bit weird indeed, but we have been talking, he knows I like him and scheduled things with me, let me ride his bike hugged to him, was willing to be with me again this week, the entire day… We are not back, havent talked about the relationship for 2.5 months and all that… But we are communicating and closer again. So don’t lose hope! Believe in your love. If she really is worth it, if she really is good for you, if you love her with all your heart and soul, believe that that has a lot of strenght. Because it does! Keep feeling the love in your heart, talk to people, listen to other stories, write, meditate, take a nice shower, listen to your favorite upbeat songs, break the patterns and do soemthing NEW. I started going to the gym for example And am now trying to get into college. I’m 24 years old. And I think he admires me a lot for that. He is trying too. And he is the most responsible of both of us, but he hasnt been putting half the effort I’m putting and I think that really surprised him. So, show her what you are made off! And that one day she will regret this or fall like mad woman for you because you will be so high up that you are almost out of her league now
Sorry for all this text, I hope it helped. Anything, I’m here forT
@atea1234 come work your magic
oh Kaila , you have been supporting me more than my friends …thanks a lot … but every single thing around me contains memories of her … now she seems so happy and i ask myself " didn’t she love me ? is there really someone else ?" it’s been three days already … she didn’t even bump into my profile …who once couldn’t sleep without listening to my breathing … i don’t know … All the NC and other stuffs um doing are to get her back …but her expressions are making me lose my hopes …
You are totally welcome!!
First of all, facebook its an ilusion, its an act. Did you subscriber to kevins emails? There was one about that. They try to be happy, but the break up is hard on them too! They try to compensate by seeming happy. A few weeks ago, I told my ex I go out every friday now. HE NEVER PUTS PICTURES OF FRIDAY NIGHTS OUT. That friday, guess what, he did xD muahah. It’s competition. It’s an act.
Even if there is someone else, that person isn’t as important as you and can never occupy your place in her heart for the following months.
What do you mean she didnt bump into your profile?
And yes I know that EVERYTHING you are doing and will be doing for the next couple of weeks will be with the intent of getting her back. When I first started looking for a job and doing some other things, even my application for college, was mostly because of him! But these are things I WANT anyway. So it was a nice push When you value someone else more than yourself, you can at least use it to your advantage: you will fight for it 10 times harder. But! You also need to realize you ARE the most valuable person in your life, you ARE worthy, you DO have amazing qualities… And your life IS the most important. Slowly its gonna be all about you and not about her anymore. Or maybe just 10%
Let me ask you three things.
How long were you together.
Why did you really break up.
Have you ever broken up with someone before.
it lasted for more than a year …
she wants to get rid off me …may be… she’s afraid about our future …
yes …