Helpless in no contact rule

Hi kevin , i was in love with my ex girlfriend near about 1 year then suddenly she blocked me on fb and i made another account nd sent her messages to why she did it… She gave me no rply then i did same needy things and she told that pls forget about her nd now i want to set no contact rule but can u just tell me i have to deactivate the fb (another account) or I continue to it without any updation or latest dp or something…at last i sent her messages that i will never forget about her …pls tell me what i have to do thnks

Help me on that thing is there anybody??

I would recommend to just not contact her at all, by any means, emails, calls,texts, fb, etc for a month and focus on yourself meanwhile. thing is, you have to realize, that only you can make yourself happy. not anyone, not your ex. Start working out, hanging out with freinds, and find a new you, a more confident and independent you.
try it for a month, then message her something like, hey I was just re watching this ppv, and I remembered your enthusiasm when this guy won, and it put a smile on my face. Then build up the friendship, and eventually, become more than friends. i think Kevin’s 5 step plan to getting your ex back is solid. but if she cheated on you, or had an affair behind your back, then I really dont think it is worth it.
I have a post on my ex and I would appreciate a guy’s perspective. Good luck and I hope you find your happiness :slight_smile:

Thnks alot but tell me little girl that is it gud if i just deactivate my facebook account so in this way she ll not able to see me for one month …??

You could deactivate for a week if that makes the NC period is easier for you but honestly the whole point of no contact is to be in touch with yourself and realize you’re an independent man and no one can take that away from you. She can’t take facebook away from you. She can’t take your 30 day no contact, the time when you’re focusing on yourself away from you. I think you can deactivate for a while so it might be easier for you but do it for yourself. Not her :smiling_face:
I would appreciate a guy’s perspective on my situation if yu have the time :smiling_face:good luck and i wish you happiness!

Hey thanks alot u did great to help me on that thing… I m feeling gud nw nd one think she doesn’t cheated on me and she has no boyfriend yet even i know her she will never have bf the thing she wants to just make her carrier nd support her parents even she doesn’t want hurt me in future thats by she just moved back… But without telling me all reasons she moved back thats hurts alot… But i want to realize her that i m with her on every decision but she doesn’t want to listen me thats the thing

Hey pls give me some advice… On my last reply

She seems like me in thr sense that her career and future is important. I’m very driven as well and put my school ans career first before everything including my family health and relationship.
We both need a man that will reassure us that we can focus on our goals and our men will be there for us always, supporting us emotionally.
My ex was like that for a while. He promised no matter what happened he will always be there. So i focused on school and career more than him. And it resulted in him having an affair behind my back for months.
I think you could try nc for a while to get some clarity, and then become her best friend. Show her that you’ll always be there no matter what. Show her you’ll be faithful always. Show her you love her for her. Have long conversations with her just aboit her.That is the biggest thing women like us look for in our men.
We have everything except a man who will be faithful to us and treat us with undestanding, respect, love and caring. When we find a man like that we plan our week, month, yearn heck even our whole life to spend time with the man. Any promises they make we expect it to last forever because when we make promises we keep it forever.
This is assuming she is like me. And i think she is :smiling_face:

? i think so… Nw i don t need to worry bcz i have u(as a stranger friend) who is just like my ex…don t worry i ll not do anything like affair or something… I m completely faithful to her…thnks alot is there anything expect no contact for one month need to do…

I think in time that you’re doing no contact find your self love. You also need to prove to her that you’re the man she needs. So i would say make your game plan mean time, find your self love, and become the man she needs! You need to be prepared for change because when you guys get back together things will be different
I have so much faith in your relationship! Keep me updated!

Thnks alot…?i ll give u feedback

Hi…i m missing her what can i do now bcz m in no contact

I know exactly how you feel. When i found the girl he is with on instagram i followed her, and then i messaged him a letter I’ve been writing since dec 30 the day he said i love you but we need a break. Its not you i need to figure out what’s been making me act cold towards you and before dec 30 he has been acting cold for a week.
Because i followed her he felt threatened i think and he and her deleted me from insta and and he deleted me from Facebook.
I was just doing a well wish thing, like yeah i know you’re with her ans no hard feelings. Trying to rebuild friendship.
Anyway i broke no contact after 12 days. Dont do it. It’s not worth it. There’s a reason why no contact is 30 days. You’re not healed. You need no contact for 30 days. After i broke no contact and sent him the letter on Facebook he sent me a huge letter back as well.
And i got so emotional i was not able to take my test afterwards and went emergency counseling. Please dont break no contact it isnt worth it.

Good thing is he didn’t break contact with me. He is still mesaging me on facebook, said he wants to be friends and talk to me everyday.
But talking to him is extremely hard for me. I dont know the truth about the break up. I dont know if he cheated on me. I dont know how much he lied to me. I dont know anything and he is the only person who can give me the truth. He said he wants to one day but not now.
I dont think I’m ready to tapk to him either. I was emotionally invested inn him for about 4 years and so was he. We would hug each other and have silent tears together because of how much love we felt for each other.
I think he’s been hurt by me through out the relationship. I was out there achieving so much professionally and academically and i felt like he felt he couldnt keep up with me. And guys who are much more better looking rich and successful academically and professionally wanted me and he would always reassure me that he will be there for me, and wpuld kinda beg for reassurance from me. I think he always felt insecure in the relationship.

i am more hurt tho bc he has been cheating on me since last September and in nov 8 he wants to get engaged. The very day he said i love you we need a break, thatd the date on her instagram.
I worked hard for my body for 2 years and in the beginning of the relationship i wanted him to work out with me and get buff with me. He didn’t want to and i slowly learned to love and accept his body.
I was with him mainly because i thought he would always be faithful to me. I feel like i wasted almost 4 years for him. If you reas muy post you’ll see that he pretty much dropped out of school. He gives up on everything.
And i dont give up and I’m always striving to improve myslef.I’m so hurt John.

Hmhmm the thing is that i haven’t seen his facebook dp from last 15 days nw i want to see her or his new acitivity but I’m in no contact saving myself to just look her even i m not using my fb id last 15 days just like m disappear from whole social networking sites… Bcz if i open it then i m unable to stop myself to sending her messages…

I know u r in same feeling like me… Don t know how can we outcomes from it … Really hard thing

I cant go back to someone who has been cheating on me for months js what I’m thinking

But i love him and still want him. I dont know who i am anymore

Can i see her fb wall or just remain silent in no contact to do stop myself from looking her dp or wall

Hi…r u there?? Tell me is it k if i see her dp or fb or send her message i mean i m in no contact now but really missing her