He can't commit so I left him but I want him back ready to commit to me

I’ve been seeing this guys for 2 years and we’ve had a great relationship. We compliment each other in every way . However , the moment we get to ghe talk about settling down (married) he gets uneasy. I’ve been patient with him trying to help him through his insecurities be his support but he just couldn’t make a decision.his usually a very indecisive Person and I came to a point
where it hurt me to wait around. I told him I can’t carry on like this so i made a decison to walk away and I did for a week then I called him just and told him I miss him .

He said he was doing some thinking and I was right to walk away because he too doesn’t want too continue hurting me. He said he misses me and I’m home to him but he can’t seem to commit and it hurts him to lose me but he won’t be selfish . So I told him to leave me alone and never contact me again as I want to forget him . My question is will he come back to me? Will he realise how much I mean to him and come back ? Or

will be deal with the pain and move on? I really want him, I’ve tried chatting to other people no one can come close. Please advise me

You said some pretty harsh words to him. You should start first by apologizing then we’ll see his react towards you.