Has anyone tried no contact more than once?

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone here has done No Contact more than once and if so, were you successful in getting your ex back? I started the 30 days of no contact back in mid-January and ended in mid-February. I thought I was making progress in the beginning, but some things happened last week that made me think maybe I should just give up. For now, I have started no contact again and am currently on Day 4. Please see my post on the Reconciliation board for more background:

I spoke with a friend earlier today and she thinks I should just be done with him. I really don’t want to give up, but I am seeking other opinions because I am wondering if my love for him is clouding my judgment. I really want this to work, but I also hate to waste more time and effort on this if there is no point. It is getting exhausting. Any opinions are appreciated!

I am going into NC as well for the 2nd time. You can check my other posts if you want more background, bottom line is she told me she had moved on and didn’t want to talk anymore. My advice is if you feel it’s too much effort maybe it is, at least for now. Only you can know how much is too much, for me this is the breaking point. I love my ex and I would love to try again but I know enough about her to know that, as long as her new bf(a rebound I suspect) is around then we will never be able to try again. So my advice is if you feel it’s too much work then there is nothing wrong with walking away for a while, if you decide to try again then try again later but only if you are 100% sure.