got some good news part 2

Hey everyone!

I promised you all to give you an update about me and my ex so here goes nothing. We attended a wedding in Pittsburgh this past weekend with his family and like I mentioned last time he started kissing me and hugging me like old times. I was kissing his face and neck and giving him massages (he loves his massages), and we had a blast and danced all night together. It was a long drive back and on the way back, we cuddled with each other in the backseat of his parents car. He slept on me and I slept on him and he was rubbing my face and everything. So I’m not sure if I’m one step closer in getting him back because if we want to be friends, then we certainly wouldn’t be kissing and all that stuff.

Comments would be appreciated :slight_smile:

nice sounds like your already dating again lol. so what does he say about the situation? would you mind giving me your opinion on my situation? thanks :slight_smile:

well he said a week ago that were not boyfriend and girlfriend even though it may seem it but somehow if a person wanted to be just friends, there wouldn’t be no kissing and hugging and all that lovey dovey stuff you know?

me personally it seems like were heading down that path of being together again who knows.


I think you are on the right road to het back with him … but don’t put so much pressure on him … that will drive him away …
try to have a relationship talk
hope to hear some good news soon

@Mema I think so too and don’t worry I’m not pressuring him at all. Another thing I forgot to mention that is he keeps asking me “you still love me?”

That’s great … you will get him back soon :slight_smile:
and can I hear your thoughts on my story?

yes I agree, it seems that way, keep doing what your doing, your doing great. :slight_smile:

Seems like you’re well on track to getting back with him. I’d just play it cool, and see where things go. Don’t bring up the past, dont have any heavy relationship conversations just yet. I’m sure there’s a lot you need to discuss, but just wait and be patient and let him come to you. Lucky you! Wish I could be in your situation… I’d give anything to have my ex kiss me again :frowning:

thanks everyone! and @SM awwww I’m sorry and if you have faith and not think about your ex so much, you never know your ex may come back to you. Remember, it happens when you at least expect it so don’t lose any hope :slight_smile: