Got back with my Ex!

Hey! So anyone wondering what my background story is, just read some of my previous posts.

Anyway I started NC in August and didn’t break it until December even though I had strong urges to. My ex contacted me saying she wanted to meet up and talk, but I wasn’t ready, so I rescheduled. We meet up and I could tell she missed me. She then proceeded to tell me how she was having a horrible quarter in college and it was turning out to be her worst quarter ever. Meanwhile I was having the best quarter ever! Upon meeting up with her, I made sure to wear something she had never seen, a new cologne, and any other small factors that I know she would notice. She definitely noticed all the changes and couldn’t help but wonder why I made them!

We went off for winter break and she continued to text me nonstop. Finally we came back to start the new year and the first day of classes, we met up and hung out. She was very flirtatious and touchy. The day after or so, she told me she wanted to be with me and missed me and wished for me back. After careful consideration, I took her back and we’ve just been taking things as they come!

I never EVER thought I could get back with my ex. I felt like I was holding on to false hope. I thought she was having an amazing time without me. But it was just the opposite. She realized how much she missed me. Things are always possible for anyone, but just remember that time and patience are key.

If you have an questions, I can try and answer them!

“but remember that time and patience are key”

Exactly! Congrats, man. Good luck. Don’t get lazy! Keep up the new look and smell. lol

congratulations!! i just read through some of your older posts and it seemed like you handled the breakup in a very mature and responsible way. my ex and i have been apart for almost 4 months it feels like forever! i do feel like there is a chance we might reconcile down the road but I’m having a very hard time being patient. any advice for how you were able be patient and wait so much time before contacting her?! the road ahead of me looks long and overwhelming!

Congratulations! I’m beyond happy for you and it’s nice to see a success!

What problems did you encounter with NC in the way of you thinking she was having an amazing time; did she give the appearance that she was along with her friends/family??

Thank you for sharing!! It gives us hope that there is a chance. Ive been feeling bad that the longer time goes on the less likely it is that we will get back together, but your story makes me think the opposite!

I looked through your previous topics, you said you started NC in August - was that right after the break up? Did you only do 1 round of NC?

also, how many months total were you broken up for?

Amazing! Brilliant, gives us all the little hope to never give up on ourselves and put us first.

@atea1234 he mentioned 7 months broken up.

I’m very happy for you esamuels. It’s nice to hear a success story. LAbound is right. Keep up the good work and don’t slack off. Best of luck buddy.

I’m very happy for you! This really gives us hope. I wish you and your girlfriend (former ex) lol a very happy relationship. All the best for you guys, kudos!

I’m well happy for you dude. Things aren’t working out for me but I still think it’s an amazing thing that you have you girl back. Having the someone who means the most to you back with you if worth everything. Well done dude.

@atea1234 honestly it was hard not to want to text her or see her, but I was afraid if we did ever meet up, she would be over me and treat me like a friend-that made it easier not to want to see her. I just didn’t want to be “friend-zoned” and the easiest way to ensure that was by not seeing her. But I’m not going to lie, there were definite times when I wanted to see her.

@ThePhoenix well I had a lot of problems I encountered during NC! She never posted on social networking sites that she was having an amazing time, but she was in a rebound relationship with someone and that was difficult to know. But my imagination also went wild in the sense that I imagined they were having such an amazing time and she was doing so well without me. In reality she wasn’t doing well without me and they weren’t having an amazing time. If anything, that rebound relationship showed her how much I was willing to do for her (versus what the rebound relationship guy would do for her) and how I wanted to treat her (versus how he treated her).

@Ly88 we had broken up in March of 2014 and I started NC August of 2014. Between March and August we talked nonstop (we lived together until our lease expired in June). I didn’t break NC until December and I only did one round of NC from August to December.

Just like Kevin said, there is definitely always hope. This person will always have feelings for you, but sometimes the feelings are buried deep inside. Keep trying and something beneficial will happen in one way or another.

Thanks for your reply esamuels! It’s really great to see a success story on here. I hope you and your gal continue to do well.

This definitely gives me more hope for the future, and I’m sure it does others as well. Stay classy, friend!

This really does give me hope, despite my ex constantly trying to friend zone me. I will take your advise and work on the NC rule! Cheers! And congratulations!

Way to go man!!

Would love some advice. Long story, If to long to read it’s ok. Story with my ex

Didn’t see the split coming and she said it was small things adding up. I messaged another girl really early on in our relationship, I massively regret it but from that I realised how much I like my ex. The split came 2 years later (unfair to use that) she says she felt if she came to me with problems in the relationship that I would go off with someone else. I never would have. We lived together with some friend and she moved out. This was 5 months ago.

She ended it and I messed up by over contacting her, sent her a letter and even drove past her house. In my defence I was in real pain and looking back it was really wrong. I’ve only seen her once since the split and it was on a night out, on the night out she had a go at me saying she thinks I was watching her on the night out and so on and so on, rather than fight I walked away. I’ve didnt contact her for a while and thinking it was enough I contacted her. Her mum text me back saying I have to respect her wishes. I waited a few more weeks and text my ex just saying ‘hi’ and something interesting that I’ve been upto. I got no response. I have talked to mates about things, some know her. On FB I’ve commented on people’s photos who are more her friends than mine and I text a friend of both of ours. But it was 100% not about finding out about my ex, it was just me saying hi to them or liking something I find funny or interesting. However, my ex’s friend messaged me the other week asking me to stop (was a longer message than just that). Which is unfair as I know my ex comments on my friend post too. Came out the blue as I’d not contacted her or asked her fiends about her. I was going to send a magic letter to her saying good and bad things about what happen in and after the relationship (following the rules of magic letter) Really worried she with someone and/or totally moved on from me. That kinda sums it up. You can ask anything you want. We had amazing times together and never argued, went to Florida twice and have memories that mean so much to me and the pain of that is hard cos it means so much. I still love her. I sent a magic letter a week and half ago but got nothing back, then there was the night out at weekend where I didn’t talk to her. No idea what to do now, if anything.