Girlfriend said she wants a break and said she still loves me but broke up with

I had been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years before the breakup happened. We really loved each other and I did not expect this to happen. She seemed completely normal up until the breakup and was herself. She texted me in the morning and said she wanted to take a break. I didn’t know if she meant she just wanted a break or if she wanted to break up. When I saw her later in the day, she told me that she wanted to break up. She told me that she wanted a break and she still really loved me. She told me that she could never not have feelings for me and that this doesn’t mean that we are over. We still broke up after this. I just don’t know what to make of this right now. This is the love of my life that I just lost. Will we eventually start to miss me and come back or is it really over?

Three years is a long time. Whether or not she will miss you or want to reconcile depends on why she broke up with you.