Okay, so a lot happened last night. We did end up meeting up, but it wasn’t just my ex and I. I had 3 friends with me, 2 of which support us getting back together (they’ll be known as M and J) and 1 who is a close guy friend (we’ll call him B) who had never met him before.
We all met up at the bar he normally goes to. My friend B arrived a little later than us, and according to M and J the moment B sat down my ex’s demeanor completely changed. He was drunk when we first met up with him (not when he first texted me though, that was a couple hours earlier) and he began to get pretty arrogant and braggy, and after a little while he left to go meet some of his friends that had just left. I thought that was the end of it but no! He texts me right after he leaves going, “You could do better.” I told him that B is just a friend, and J texted him the same thing saying he could see it all over his face and no one had to tell him anything. Well after a bit my ex asks me “Meet me halfway?” Didn’t know what he meant by that so I ignored it and went to the bathroom and it’s at this time that he tried calling me. After a few minutes, he ends up coming back to the bar!
We all leave and he comes with us to a bar I had been to on Wednesday night. Well apparently on the weekends it becomes more of a club, so that was what we went into. We were all on the edge of the large crowd when I decided I was going to fight my way through the crowd to the bar to get a drink. He follows me! And he puts his hands on my back/hips saying I’m bad at navigating and starts navigating me through the crowd. While I’m at the bar getting my drink, he stands SO close behind me and starts trying to touch me in certain areas. Each time I would move his hand somewhere else and tell him that was inappropriate, but in a playful voice.
This continued throughout the night. We danced a little, and he kept putting my face in his hands, he tried to kiss me a few times too but I didn’t let him. He kept making comments like “It’s so hard for you isn’t it” and “You can’t even look me in the eye,” the latter of which I challenged him to a staring contest twice and won both times My friend M says he was only saying those things because his ego got stomped on by my friend B being there.
At the end of the night we drop him off at his friend’s apartment nearby and he texts me several times saying things like “Thanks, it was a fun night, what are you up to” and then “bring me home lol, jk kinda.” I only acknowledged what are you up to and told him I was at a 24/7 bakery “eating delicious treats” to which he responds (Naughty!!) “Awesome, I could go for a delicious treat” with the devil emoji we always used when we would exchange naughty texts. I told him I hear Twix bars are good lol. He apologized, and I told him apology accepted , then he goes “You had fun tonight, admit it” to which I said “lol goodnight, you’ve been drinking, we’ll talk later” and he responds “that means yeah. good thing we didn’t go to another bar” and then says how he was being bad. I responded with the rocket emoji that we always used when we were dating about how we wanted to do things with each other but that would require “rocketing” over the boundaries we had at the time. THEN he keeps responding going “You enjoyed it, don’t lie, I’m gonna be good and not say more.” I told him “Sounds good, talk to you later, goodnight” and then he keeps texting me! Saying “Did you have fun dancing? Seriously drive safe.” This time I didn’t respond until an hour later when I was finally home and said “I did have fun. I’m home now. Goodnight.” Haven’t heard from him yet today but it’s only 1pm here.
Ay yi yi. Sorry y’all, that was a lot. Basically while we were all together I felt like nothing had changed between him and I, it still felt normal. My friends are very adamant about seeing him on July 4, he said he has no plans (this shocks me honestly). What do you guys think? He says sex is a very emotional thing for him, so the fact that he was doing what he was doing shows me he still has a lot of feelings there. He’s the type to want to remain civil with his exes, but this went way beyond civil. I made sure to stay flirty but also to draw the line.