My girlfriend and i were great for the first 5 months of our relationship. she has a bad reputation of being flirtacious, running around, and needing male attention. I did not see this until i started seeing lots of texts, emails, snapchats from plenty of her exes and guys i dont know. I confronted her and asked her to stop, and her reply was that she was just socializing. Grinding and flirting with other guys, and other bad texts was not just socializing. So, i would get mad and jealous. She said she loved me and that i was worrying about nothing.Time went on and she ended up breaking up with, even after she said i was the best boyfriend she’s ever had. I was devestated cause i really love everything else about her, besides this over the top flirting. I did no contact rule for a week or so, after desperatley trying to get her back. Now she texts me and snap chats me quite a bit, but am i just getting into a friend zone? I play it cool and funny. Just normal conversations, but i still see that she talks to plenty other ppl. What should i do??? i usually wait until she initiates the text or snapchat, but i kinda get the feeling that im her back-up and that she hasn’t had time to miss me. suggestions???
I think you shouldn’t talk to her during your NC. You should also take your NC longer. Or not , she may think that she can get you whenever she wants like other boys she is playing with. You should show her that you are not always available for her. I think She’s immature yet.
NC is only for you. Not for her. During NC, you should improve yourself so, you can get your respect from her. The only one who allow her to do that things is only you. Just let her know that you are not ok for that.
Just talk to her back whenever she talks to you only looks you like weak, looks you like you are waiting for her . You may think it’s just a text , just a tiny text. But NC means no contact at all, no text, no call, no talk, no hang out, nothing. Just disappear on her world for a little while. I’m so sorry If my opinion won’t help you.
Have you already subscribed to kevin’s email series ?
it can help you a lot.
You should follow the 5step plan.It will increase your chances.
Do not check her on fb, chat ,concentrate on yourself and make positive changes in your life.
Good luck