Ex sent me this during NC. Advice please

My ex sent me this today, what does this mean:

“I wanted to thank you for all what you did for me. It means a lot. I can’t believe in the fact that we act like strangers now… we had something that was so special and different from all couples. I wish you all the best in everything that you’ll undertake throughout your life. And i sincerely miss you a lot, maybe i need you by my side as a friend to feel stronger. But anyway if you’re happy the way we are now I’m happy too. I won’t be too long… Always be the amazing human that you are and never ever look at your past to be honest if i could change our past I’ll definitely do it… that’s my most wanted wish. I miss you my friend more than you think.”

What does that mean? I was around 21 days nc

Reason for breakup was me taking her for granted

I replied to this on your other post.