Ex is texting...

Hi everyone,

My ex is texting me quite a lot lately. Saying that he’s curious about me and telling me what he’s been up to since our breakup. Asking me what I’m doing etc.
The thing is I’m pretty sure that he wants to move on because his decision to end the relationship was pretty decisive and clear.
It hurts and I don’t really know what to respond because not being with him feels not right for me and uncomfortable since I’m still not used to be not in a relationship with him.

The thing is I still kinda want him back and I’m afraid that I misinterpret his attempts to reach out to me and then I would get hurt again. That would be just too much.
Any advice how to handle that? This whole situation?
I Know every person and every breakup is unique therefore it’s hard to tell I guess. But I needed to write it down…

Did you do NC?
IF NOT then you should start it right away. Tell him you need your space and time alone to heal yourself. Dont tell him that you will contact him after awhile. Work on yourself and it will also give hum time to miss you and want you back. It will drive him crazy.
Nc works in every situation to let go if negative memories

If it has been some time and youve done NC for 30 days…go for false friendship. And get it in your head that you are happy and free. Even if you have to pretend, be more spirited and confident if you choose to communicate or see him.

I did NC for more than 30 days because I needed that time and honestly I could still use some more to heal.
So would you suggest to respond to him in a positive and friendly way rather than cool and short?

If you need more time to heal, you can go for more NC. Or you can keep up with texting but use the methods suggested. Dont be over eager and wait about ten minutes to respond to each text. Keep the convo light and fun. But always cut it short at the peak of the convo.

And dont text him first.

That’s what I did today. I’m just wondering if he looses interest in my life now…since now he knows kind of what I was doing the whole time since the breakup and what plans I have.
I feel weird right now for some reason…