Hello there my name is George and i’ve been with this girl for 2 and half months. Things didnt still feel the same in the end. She didnt feel intimate anymore and she has done some strange things during our relationship like being paranoid and fighting with me for nothing. These are from issues she had from her previous relationship. She was single for nearly a year before me. She loved me and i still love her very much. She left me because she needs time alone and i respect that. I’m not acting needy or begging…not at all.
She works as a part time with me in a restaurant and i am the manager their. She kept the job which was a bit confusing to me because she’ll still see me. I thought she would leave…
Anyway during our end of the relationship i told her that i want to find help for her but she didnt want at that time. She still texted me the next two days after she left me, to see if i was ok. I answered shortly and a few days later i just texted her to come pick her stuff from my place. She came and she came very anxious and shaking just because she came to my place again…the same happened when she started work again and i was there.
She seems very happy out of the relationship, which i dont know if its true…and when i contacted her to ask something short about work she continued texting and joking and stuff. The same yesterday evening joking and smiling in texts. I offered again help for her and she accepted but not now. She wants to know herself a bit more from after what happened to her then when its time she’ll tell me to talk to this person for some opinion.
I dont know what to do…she still works with me, i met her family and she met mine, she still wants to work with me and when she texts and talks to me i feel as if we are still together kind of. And of course makes me miss our good times together. I think she kept the job so she doesnt loose contact at all with me. I’m trying now to put her working when i am not there and as i did i wont text if its not about work…when she left me she started posting photos of her and stuff and friends but she left ours all there.
She told me and contacted my mum telling us that its not the relationship but her personal issues.
I want her back and i think i might be on the right track…but she wants time alone at the moment. I’m not rushing! HELP!!