ex gf of 4 years leaves me and moves on quick

Sorry. This turned out super long. I hope you have the patience to read it through and would love and appreciate any kind of support.

My ex and I were together 4 years. We were each others first love, first real relationship, first sexual partner. I turn 23 this year and she soon turns 21. We had our ups and downs. 2 years in she breaks it off saying she wasn’t happy and breaks up. I try to get her back but she won’t have it. She gets into a relationship within a month. I was devastated. Our mutual friends told me that “no offense but, they way she speaks about him, she never spoke about you”. It crushed me. I had lost her. 2 months later I see her at the club. I don’t say hi or anything. 2 days later I get a text. She says she’s sorry. We meet up and we talk. She says she’s sorry and wants to try again. I ask her why when all I heard is how happy she is. She just said “no matter how good he was, he just wasn’t you”. After some talk we decide to try again. She breaks up with this new guy and comes back.

Fast forward a little more than 1 year and this is were I turn everything into sh*t. The thoughts of her having been with another man had hurt me so much and my immature brain also kept thinking “she has been with another man and I will only ever have been with her”. I see sex with someone else as the worst thing you can do. So when our relationship hit a rocky spot I did something stupid. I started sexting with another girl. In my immature brain I justified it by thinking how she had slept with this dude while I was heartbroken. I was so stupid and childish and regretted it soon after I had done it and it went no further than just texts. She found out about a month or two later. I came clean. She said she would stay with me and I did everything to try to make it right. She had access to all my stuff and everything. I never hid anything. I never did anything again.

Months pass and things were getting a lot better. She even said just a month before we broke up that she “had a gut feeling about us since the day we met, that we would last forever”. A month later we have a big fight. She then decides to break up. I ask her not to. Beg and all that pathetic stuff. I sent her flowers with a note attached telling her how much she meant to me. Didn’t work. So I stopped contacting. Just days after I see her with this new guy. An old friend of hers. They had started dating. I was ruined. It hurt so much. But after a month and a half of NC I contacted her. We start talking. We talk all day. We meet up. We decide to try again. She tells me how she loves me and wants to try again. I let my guard down. When I went to her place I saw a note in the box that she keeps the watch I bought her. It was the note I sent with the flowers when we broke up. I asked her why she kept it and she said “I kept all your notes” (from previous flowers). But this one she had under her watch that she takes out everyday to wear.

3 weeks after we started talking she does a 180. She says she can’t do this. That she was wrong. She can’t be with someone who had done what I did. I told her I would never do something like that again (and I never will, trust me) and that I was willing to give this relationship 110% and that one day she would see that. One day no matter what the truth would come out about how I would have done my all for her even though we broke up. She just said she doesn’t know what she wants but still wanted to break up. She breaks up with me for good.

The day after I ask her how she could do this after saying she loved me, wanted to try again, all those things. I get no answer. She just says she has moved on with her life and so should I. I get blocked on facebook.

2 weeks later (in the beginning of December) I see her at an event holding hands with a new guy. They are now in a relationship and still going strong. They even went on a vacation together just a month after I saw them for the first time. I found out by her new boyfriend posting a collage of pictures of them together as his facebook cover (she as yet to change her profile picture or cover since we broke up). This was the time I broke NC. I was angry, crushed, hurt. I told her how she told me I was a liar and I was untrustworthy when SHE actually was the one who lied more. She lied about her love, she lied about everything. It was one text. Nothing more.

1 month after that I accidentally call her when I was finally going to block and delete her number for good. I immediately hang up, but this was on Viber so the call comes through as missed call anyway. The day after I get a phone call. It was her dad. He threatened me. Told me to stay away. Told me he would call the police if I contacted her. I couldn’t wrap my brain around how she and her dad could feel justified to threaten me when I had contacted her basically 3 times (once by accident) over the course of the break up. Why go to such extreme lengths? Why not just block my number if she hates me so much she can’t stand me having called? I never hit her, never been abusive. Her parents loved me up until the break up. Yet now she feels the need to run to her dad and have her threaten me after a missed call?

I have not contacted her since, neither has she. I thought maybe he was a rebound at first but they are nearing 5 months and seem to be as happy as ever. He is everything she could want. His roots are from the same country as her. He is educated. He is (according to mutual friends) a very kind guy.

Maybe she mourned the relationship while we still were together but from people who have done this they have all said that they definitely weren’t themselves around that person months before the break up. She was still the same. Some trust issues but she still wanted to see me everyday. Wanted to talk all the time. Wanted to go an a vacation together over christmas. (Which she did but with the new boyfriend instead).

I have tried to understand how she could move on so quickly. How she could go from “loving” me to running into the arms of another man so quickly.

She was my best friend and lover for 4 years. How she could cut me out so easily I will never know.

I know I should move on and I am working on it. I have worked out since I was 15 and I (after a few months of depression) started again. I have applied to school to take my bachelor. I am moving into a new place (thank god, since we just became neighbors before breaking up, which has led me to see them together ALL the time).

So sorry for the long post. I felt I needed to come totally clean with everything and possibly have some input and support from you guys. If you want to trash me for having cheated. Fine. I deserve it. But trust me, nobody regrets it more than me.

Oh well, it happens as during breakup or intense relationships you become emotional mess and do things you regret later, part of human nature. As suggested on this website, the real reason being no contact is to improve, be positive and be better human being though it seems difficult and impossible initially.

I would suggest you not to regret much for what you have done, even it was mistake. We are human and may behave odd given worse circumstances and being in rough emotional state, and regretting too much or getting into it will be of no help. The best thing we should do in such case to help ourselves, keep being better and positive about ourselves and life ahead. Who knows if you are best version of yourself, a happier one, you may wont even remember this phase after 10 years. Cheers and keep doing great for yourself. Good luck. :slight_smile: