Ex contacting friends and family (6 weeks NC)

I would appreciate any advice on the following situation, I’ll briefly explain what has happened.


‘Me and my ex was together a year, we had an few arguments regarding her keeping in touch with ex’s family, this could of came off to her as me been insecure and turned her off. We got past that and had a generally good relationship until valentines weekend back in February, were I noticed she had a different ex on her best friends/recently interacted with. I got uncomfortable with this and was really off with her and cold. She decided to break up with me as it was the best thing for now. I blocked her after she started speaking with another guy on social media, didn’t want to see that. I went NC for 6 weeks and now she’s messaging my family and friends saying she misses me, what have I been up to, asking how I am etc.’

My ex GF broke up with me back in February, roughly around 6 weeks ago and I’ve entered NC ever since, mainly due to the fact that she started speaking with a new guy within a week of breaking up and they were liking each others pictures on social media. I really didn’t want to see that and have enough respect for myself to walk away when something like that happens.

We broke up due to the fact that she kept in touch with her ex’s family a lot and it always felt uncomfortable for me, almost like she was keeping the door open, but they could of just got along really well looking back at it now (she never gotten on well with her mum so maybe this was some form of comfort for her). Half way through the relationship this prompted me to go on her phone to get some answers (bad move I know). There was texts to her best friend how she misses her ex and how she was upset by him moving on with his new girlfriend, again this caused me to confront her about it and she explained that it was a hard break up and it was upsetting for her as they got on really well with both him and his family. We managed to put this behind us, she said she loved me and wanted a future with me etc. We never really spoke of it again and things were great between us, we met each others family, went on holiday together, we even got to know each others friends really well and she even talked about moving in with me and made plans to start saving etc. Don’t get me wrong we still had little arguments like any other couple.

Cut a long story short, a year in to the relationship, we were out on valentines weekend and she opened up her Snapchat and I noticed a totally different ex’s name on her best friends list. As you can imagine I was a bit angry about this as she never told me about it. She explained that he contacted her to sell some tickets for a game (it seemed genuine at the time but who knows). I then resorted to been cold and short with her and the weekend got cut short (this was how I usually acted when we had any type of argument, I now know there were healthier was to deal with this looking back), but I needed time to think about what just happened.

Anyway, we didn’t speak for a week and then I got the dreaded ‘we need to talk’ and this is were she said ‘I think the best thing for now is to break up, you need to work on yourself, your paranoid etc’. I simply just accepted the breakup, understood her reasons, never begged, hugged her and wished her well and off I went. That was the last time I seen her.

Since then, as I said earlier, she went on to speak with another guy and this is were I blocked her off everything and moved on. I got back in contact with old friends, went out, trips away to London etc basically I went back to how I was at the start of the relationship (I should never of got to comfortable with her, possible another reason this may of happened). Most of her family deleted me off social media apart from her sister and auntie, my only guess is that she was bad mouthing me in order to get approval of her decision as I got along really well with them all and they knew I loved her.

Finally, as you know 6 weeks later and not a sound from me, she has been reaching out to my best friends girlfriend, my best friend, my dad and my mum! Asking how I am, what have I been up to etc. Most recently, she even said to my best friends girlfriend that she misses me and that she wanted me to unblock her off social media? My best friends girlfriend said my ex brings me up in conversation almost every few days when they speak.

So I would appreciate any advice on my situation, I know this is a long post but I still have feelings for her and we did have a good relationship and I feel it was my over protectiveness and insecurity that pushed her away, like I said, I never got any concrete evidence she was cheating etc. Before I go, I noticed she used to shit test me, telling me how other guys found her attractive etc but for some reason this never bothered me but the ex’s did?

Thanks for your time.

Jealousy is one of the main reasons for breakups. Trust is paramount in a relationship.
Never ever look through someones phone as that is an invasion of privacy!

Instead of acting cold and short with her when you were confused by her actions, you should have had a calm mature conversation to resolve and concerns or questions you had.

I think you should send her a very short message to let her know how you’re doing and let her know you want at least 30 days no contact so you can process the breakup and work on your issues. Then later, if she’s willing, you two need to sit down and have a talk about how you both intend to treat each other better and what you can do to resolve the problems…

Well it’s been 6 weeks of no contact… not sure you read the entire post.

But yes it was wrong to go through her phone, I realise that now. Having 6 weeks to work on myself I’ve realised a lot about myself and where u was making mistakes.

I’m just unsure about the most recent events about her contacting my family and friends, is she testing the water so to speak about possibly reconnecting with each other? She knows I’m not interested in friendship with her because that was one of the last things I said to her.

I’m sure she cares about you and is wondering how you’re doing so that’s why she contacted your family. Since it’s been 6 weeks, I think it would be courteous to let her know you’re okay, anything new etc… You could ask her if she would consider resolving the problems you two had in order to reconcile and tell her you’re working on self improvement.

In the future, never act jealous, don’t invade someone’s privacy, never be hurtful by acting cold, and always calmly discuss in a kind way any concerns you have with someone.

Good luck.

Thanks for your reply and advice, I appreciate it.

Anyone else have an opinion on my situation?