My girlfriend broke up with me about 2 months ago . She said she isnt ready and needs her space but she said she truly didnt know if she wanted to be with me .
Sounds like the typical BS you get to hear from women when they break up .But i found out she was going through depression and hardly leaves her house and doesnt hang out with her friends at all . In a weird way it made me feel better about her reasons . Maybe there is some truth to it …
In the 2 months after the break up she strung me along for about a month and a half . Until i finally decided to apply NC , it worked , she started to miss me and contacted me : i love you . Its so hard not to talk to you . We chatted a bit after that on whatsapp . But since then (3 days ago ) she’s gradually becoming more distant and doesnt respond that enthusiastically anymore , mind you she initiates contact every day .
But is it another attempt at stringing me along ? I know she is very scared to fall in love , she doesnt want to get hurt again , but hey neither do i … I asked her to meet me on thursday to have some drinks , just casual .She said yes .
If she cancels this meetup how should i react ? Im trying to mirror her , taking at least the same time to response as she is .i did come to realize she is very hard to please , she fell in love with the carefree , funny guy that i am , she really loved how cool i played it in the beginning , but when she started to get serious feelings for me she always wanted to know if i was serious about us andhow i felt .Time and time again i reassured her but she slowly became more distant ,because i overdid it apparently ( nothing crazy , i wasnt blowing up her phone or texting all the time ) .
Theres such a fine line between affection and being somewhat colder . She craves somebody who is strong and independent but also that sweet guy who tells her he loves her . Normally those things go well together but its impossible with her, one day she wants the cool guy then the sweet guy , but you can never tell which she wants .
Today she messaged me :goodmorningggg and then reacted every few hours where she normally responds much faster …I do know she’s having a bad day but how do i react do i act cold to her too or act like it doesn’t bother me ?
Some advice would be helpful !