Ex blows hot and cold , i need help !

My girlfriend broke up with me about 2 months ago . She said she isnt ready and needs her space but she said she truly didnt know if she wanted to be with me .

Sounds like the typical BS you get to hear from women when they break up .But i found out she was going through depression and hardly leaves her house and doesnt hang out with her friends at all . In a weird way it made me feel better about her reasons . Maybe there is some truth to it …

In the 2 months after the break up she strung me along for about a month and a half . Until i finally decided to apply NC , it worked , she started to miss me and contacted me : i love you . Its so hard not to talk to you . We chatted a bit after that on whatsapp . But since then (3 days ago ) she’s gradually becoming more distant and doesnt respond that enthusiastically anymore , mind you she initiates contact every day .

But is it another attempt at stringing me along ? I know she is very scared to fall in love , she doesnt want to get hurt again , but hey neither do i … I asked her to meet me on thursday to have some drinks , just casual .She said yes .

If she cancels this meetup how should i react ? Im trying to mirror her , taking at least the same time to response as she is .i did come to realize she is very hard to please , she fell in love with the carefree , funny guy that i am , she really loved how cool i played it in the beginning , but when she started to get serious feelings for me she always wanted to know if i was serious about us andhow i felt .Time and time again i reassured her but she slowly became more distant ,because i overdid it apparently ( nothing crazy , i wasnt blowing up her phone or texting all the time ) .

Theres such a fine line between affection and being somewhat colder . She craves somebody who is strong and independent but also that sweet guy who tells her he loves her . Normally those things go well together but its impossible with her, one day she wants the cool guy then the sweet guy , but you can never tell which she wants .

Today she messaged me :goodmorningggg and then reacted every few hours where she normally responds much faster …I do know she’s having a bad day but how do i react do i act cold to her too or act like it doesn’t bother me ?

Some advice would be helpful !

This is what I think. I think you should follow your heart. What do you ‘want’ to do? This is my honest question for you. If you could handle this any way that you would actually want to - what would you do? Do that.

Wow , that kinda caught me offguard.
You’re right , i’m so obsessed with her i don’t even think about myself anymore .

I’m really gonna think about what i really want and i’m leaning towards meeting up and then saying : whats it gonna be ?

but i’ll have to think about it before i talk to her again .

Thanks for your reaction

You are welcome. Pray about it (don’t know your faith) and then follow your heart. Think of how you would want to be approached too meaning be really kind.

Let me know what you decide - curious george.