Empty Life, please help!

I’ve posted a similar thread in NC section with a question regarding whether or not to break the NC so if possible help me out there cause I need an answer ASAP!

My gf and I have been together for almost 3 years and I love her more than anything else. Our relationship has been going very well, she is the closest thing in my life (even more so than my family) and even our friends look up on us as a couple.

However I have a strong fetish that made me unable to give her the sexual satisfaction she needs. I’m obsessed with watching public girls desperate for the bathroom (search it up on the internet, it actually a thing). I told her about it when we started dating and she accepted me as who I am.

Things went downhill when I got too obsessed and started filming girls waiting outside public toilets. I will not spare the details here, but she figured I might do it again after she caught me. I do not want my obsession yo ruin my relationship and I’m willing to change for her, even though it’s like fighting a drug addiction. Also, please don’t judge me.

After she dumped me more than a week ago I did all the crying and begging (as anyone normal would) cause I really love her and want her back by my side. One day after this sudden break up(I didn’t see it coming), I also did a grand public apology on FB (showing me holding a big sign on top of a hill), it moved a lot of people but it definitely didn’t change her mind. I told her I’d change but she said she wouldn’t want to risk her happiness on me. When she dumped me she was the calm one and I was the one crying my eyes out and broken into pieces (even having suicidal thoughts). She also calmly said “I do not love you anymore” in front of me and turned my world upside down.

I started NC a week ago without notifying her that I “need some space” or anything. I left a bad impression (the needy, desperate guy) on her before I started NC. So she’s been texting me here and there and I didn’t reply at all.

Will she be back if I change my voyeuristic sexual behavior? I told her I would but she wouldn’t want to take the risk. Her aim is for me to stand up from the break up, live a new life and find another girl (which was what she explicitly stated). But my aim is to stand up and live a new life with her again, because she means the world to me. Now I feel empty without her even though NC helped a lot I don’t know how long I can last.

What is my chances of success? We were very closed together but she was also very keen on breaking up.

Kindly give me your opinion, guys or girls! Any advice? Again pls help my thread on NC as that’s more urgent now!!

She has been texting me, I know she’s trying very hard to let me go. All I want to do is to start a new life with her and put the past behind.

Any help please? No offense but I’ve posted on 2 sections for quite awhile, I sometimes feel like this forum needs more people who can give advices. Just my 2 cents.

Well I think, I don’t know for sure, but when she said she didn’t love you anymore, I think she said it to give you a push to move on. I think if you really show her that you’re happy and okay and you can live without her, she will begin to miss you and forgive you. It might take time, but she probably still cares about you. You two had a long relationship and it seemed wonderful. I believe that if you do NC or LC she will start to miss you and come back into your life. Just try to not seem desperate or too available. Show her that you can come out of this strong (even if you have to fake it)! Work out, focus on work or school or whatever and show her the new and improved you!

I really feel for you because I have had a lot of the same troubles. I feel as though my ex boyfriend was having a hard time forgiving me for trying to kill myself after the breakup because it made him so worried and he thought it was very selfish. But after a while he forgave me and I feel like things are looking up. I’m still trying NC or very LC but it’s hard at times and I totally understand. But if you could also look at my situation and give any advice you have it would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile: I hope everything works out for you!

Thanks for the response. May I know the meaning of LC?

Right now what I’m worried about is that NC isn’t working too well on her. Yea I’ve been improving myself and she’s been texting me as expected, but yesterday she sent me a text saying it annoys her that I’ll boast to my friends that it’s her loss not to forgive me. The msg was kind of like a blackmail cause in the end she said she knows my dark side.

So I got quite mad and replied her with a long text, just one. Should I restart NC?

Also she didn’t lose attraction to me she lost trust to me. Is there a better strategy to get to prove myself?