
Ok, so me and my ex are still texting a lot. About almost everything.
So this morning she asked how i slept.
I said bad, i had a wrong dream but don’t wanna talk about it.
She kept insisting, so after a bit i said it was about you but I don’t want to say anything more.
Again she nagged and nagged, so i said: I had a sex dream about you.
Then she replied with: Not good thing to tell me.

What does that mean?
I didn’t respond to that.

@jOHAN If you really didn’t want to talk about the dream, you shouldn’t have told her you had a wrong dream. When she asked how you slept, you could have just said “okay”. Not good to tell you probably means she didn’t like you telling her about the sex dream. And it was so childish of you to do so. Sounds like you wanted to tell her, but wanted her to plead with you as to what the dream was about.

Sounds like the same lady you said goodbye to a few months ago because it was a toxic immature type relationship…

Yes, it’s the same woman and yes she is toxic and that makes it addictive to me.
Trying to cut lose. Goes slow.

@jOHAN A mature man who only wants the best for himself would have no trouble cutting loose from a toxic relationship!

That is black and white… It’s no all toxic. With some things she really helps.
And at the moment i don’t have many people in my life so that makes it harder to cut the string

cut off everything now. gone Phone nr, gone email, … all gone

What led to that decision?

well, she had a go at me again because i didn’t answer according her rules; to late to short answer…
So i made the decision it was enough. when everything you do leads to disscusion , it’s time to go.