Does how long we were together matter?

We were only together for 2 months, but we got along so good. Always laughed, never had a fight, agreed to disagree over differences of opinion, wanted the sames things in life. There were so many aspects to our relationship that we connected on. Not sure why he broke it off, as he never texted me back when I asked why. I have my theories, but they certainly weren’t deal breakers, besides talk of working it out whatever it was, that’s what partners do, he said several times before the break up. We got so close so fast, does it matter that it was only 2 months? I think he over reacted by breaking it off. Work and financial pressures weighing on him as well as bad memories from a previous relationship. I think he was just waiting for me to do the same thing his ex girlfriend did (nag him) when work kept him away. I admit complaining about his work schedule, and I texted him that I was sorry. I think he just ran in the other direction.

I know I have said all this before, and i’m sorry I am repeating myself. The thing that is bothering me right now is the fact that we were only together for 2 months. I believed that he knew what he wanted, and what he said. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken everything he said as anything more than rose colored glasses. They say trust your gut. My gut says he was genuine. Circumstances don’t.

Just trying to gain some insight, and get through NC alive.

When did he break up with his ex? and when did you two start dating ?

He broke up with her like a year ago, we started dating in the beginning of june

Maybe I was a rebound for him.

Alright.You should follow the 5step will increase your chances.

My roller coaster bf broke up with me the second time after a weekend of space with NC. He texted to talk more about it but I ignored it because I didn’t want to hear more of he can’t change how he is feeling right now. He gave me his key to his apt the two weeks ago. I mailed his key and belongings left here by mail. Having anxiety I may have done the wrong thing in doing that. If we meet to exchange things like he suggested, I know we would end up right back where we started. We can’t resist each other. We have such an amazing time when together but apart we don’t communicate very well. It has it’s good moments but the frustration with the texts back and forth ruins the relationship atmosphere. Did I send the wrong message, like I don’t care at all about him or the grief of breaking up by mailing his things to him?

And please create your own thread so every one can find your story.