Do I have a chance?

Hi. I met my ex in my country in south america. We spend a few months together (4) and then he was supposed to go back to his country in Europe. He asked me to go with him later on a few months. He even gave me the money to pay for most of the plane tickets and give me things that he couldnt take with him so I can bring it to him when I go to him and stay with him for a few months. That was the plan. But I had to move the trip closer. It was not gonna be in a few months but I was gonna go with him the next month. We used to skype everyday and it was ok for a bit over a month. On a saturday we met and it was fine but later he wanted to talk to me and wanted to tell me “this was going too fast and that i was rushing things”. I was confused. I told him that he was so intense over that and that he was making me feel pressured because I had so many things on my mind and that was nonsense. He was saying that I need to speak his language and I know I do and i was practicing online but then he was like “you cant come if you dont know it”. So i felt pressured. Then I saw pictures on his wall (via skype) and i asked what they were and he said a country (it was were his ex was) so i made a stupid comment like “oh you put it there because of her?” and he said “no” and made a face. Like 1 time before he said that he didnt like those comments and they were so “jealousy” but it was just a stupid comment and i regret it. I apologized and that was it. Then on sunday we didnt talk because he said he was “busy” and on monday i woke up to an email of him saving it was all over. (talking to him everyday on skype and he just send an email).
He start to say that i was possessive (¿? what?), that he didnt like my eating habbits (because he eats super healthy and SOMETIMES I want to eat a burger) and that I was interesting in some other things. He even said “I have female friends you know” and i was like “yes, so what? i have male friends too”. Like he started to say things that i’ve never said and made excuses. I never said those things and I was never overjealous, just stupid comments with no big implications. Like i never stopped him from seeing his female friends, I even thought someone hacked my email or something because I didnt know what he was talking about. Well I acted like what not to do on step 1. I called him like insanely. He blocked me in all social media and didnt wanted to pick up the phone. We just emailed back and forward and mostly he said insane things and i was like “what are you talking about, that is not me at all!!”.
My friends say “he got scared and made up excuses” and maybe. He said hurtful things to me cause when i said that i didnt understand him he said that i was being paranoid. He even said that I dont respect him which was insane. I do very much. Well, at the end he said “if you respect me then let me have 1 month without contacting you”. So this is week 2. I feel like he started this program. Like it was not me who started this “no contact” step and I had to give it more time. Maybe wait another month from the month he wanted? I dont know. It is all very confusing. I was planning on going to his country pretty soon and he said “dont come, there is no place for you here”. I either way have to go because other reasons, my heart will be broken if i see him and wont be able to hug him and explain or ask him what happened because I dont know what went wrong. I made a stupid comment, that was not a big deal, i didnt yell or forbid him of having pictures or seeing female friends, that is so weird to say to me cause i was not doing that. He even said that a girl he used to date wanted to see him when he was here and he asked me about it and i said “If you wanna do it, it is ok, I cant tell you what to do. It feels unconfortable with me but I wont tell you who you choose to meet. It is up to you” (i said that because this girl treated him bad and he still had her as a friend. and i disagree of people treating others bad and pretending to care just when they want). At the end he didnt see her and he said “if you feel unconfortable then I wont”. So that was not my freaking fault, right?
So that is my story. He was the one asking for time.
Was he afraid? we only dated for 4 months in person and 1 month long distance. It was brief but intense and I believed we were a great couple.
It is hard for me to get over him and i dont understand what made him change all of a sudden.
Do I have a chance? Shoud I wait another month after the month he asked? :frowning:

@Apsara - It sounds like you are both young and impulsive. Guys don’t like long distant relationships! He asked for no contact so you need to respect his request. Seriously think about NOT contacting him again until he contacts you first. In the meantime, you should be dating other guys in your own area.
Good luck.

Actually we are not that young. I am 35 and he is 37 (soon to be 38). We have no children and have never been married, neither of us. He was the one that wanted the long distance relationship for a while, because I was supposed to go on december. I even was hesitant to that but he insisted. I will not contact him now but I dont know what made him change so much. At first he was working in my country and there was no evidence of him leaving (he was here for 3 years), then he lost his job and had to return to his country. So it all changed. That’s why he wanted me to go. If i go I will be there legally cause I am applying for a citizenship there (my great granpa was from the same country and It is my right to have it but never had the will to do the paper work).
So… i dont know. I don’t really want to date other people. And this site is about “getting back with my ex”. So it is pretty weird for someone to say “go find someone else”. But, I do think he rushed things and is now scared. I will wait a few months if he contacts me, i will not do so first… still not really a helpful advice to “just date around”. I am 35, done that, tired of that.

@Apsara - He doesn’t like your eating habits. He said hurtful things to you. He thinks you’re paranoid, too jealous and possessive, and that you’re rushing things even if none of it is true. He thinks you should know his language before you visit. He said “dont come, there is no place for you here”. He blocked you on social media and asked you not to contact him for a month. Yipes, so much negativity for just a few months. That’s why I advised dating other men in your area.

If you respect his request for no contact for at least a month, maybe you two can work things out.
Good luck…