I started to casually date this guy back in end of August. We used to chat everyday and he used to treat me like a real girlfriend even though we never acknowledged this…
The things ended last week because of my insecurities and I pushed him too much when he was busy. He created time for me in the middle of a busy schedule but because I am autistic I couldn’t handle the abrupt ending of the date… So I lost it in a meltdown.
We work together but he is not coming regularly. Although he can pop up any time. For example I am in NC for one week now and I already bumped to him 2 times when I was in the office.
He talks to me but it is not like it used to be. I am just curt. Answer only ifhe asks something.
In the past he is known to start things himself when we had a misunderstanding but it has been a week and nothing from him. He muted my Whatsapp status which was a platform for us to sneak messages or initiate chat over what I post. we are still friends on FB but nothing happens there either…
I have some questions:
- do you think I have chance?
- Do you think working together nullifies NC?
- I am going on a overseas trip in the beginning of December and will not return until a week after from the time my 30 day NC ends… What should I do?
- We have a similar culture, should I start communicating at the end of the NC period while still in overseas especially if this will give me plenty of opportunities to text/Whatsapp him?
thanks anyone who will answer.