I’m really impressed by this blog. My situation is I met my ex 5 months after her separation from her ex husband. So, I was pretty much a rebound. But somehow, we stayed in each other’s life for 3 years. Buy we broke up multiple times. She always felt like she jumped in too fast with me and needed at times to date other people which occasionally happened and I did the same too. But I was always obsessed about her and got really upset when she would tell me that she needed space and to date. Well, at one point we broke up and didn’t talk for a while and I followed the no contact rule found here which worked well. We ended getting back together but it was never smooth. She ended up moving in to my place, that was the first time we would be living constantly together. But I had my best friend who was my roommate before she moved in. But it was supposed to be a temporary thing until we get a different place together the 2 of us. The presence of my friend didn’t help. She ended up moving out and moving in with her friend as I had to take a short international trip. But we were supposed to start looking for a place once I’m back. But when I was back, all she did was expressing her anger and frustrations, even though a lot of the things that she was complaining about, she co-created them. But she would always bring negative things of the past when I mentioned moving in together. For a couple of weeks I didn’t see her and rarely talk to her. I guess she started missing me and invited me to come over which turned out to be a bad experience because she was still mad at me. I stopped talking to her and started ignoring her messages and calls. I only sent her a brief happy birthday message. She kept contacting me until I gave and decided to see her again upon her invitation, that was last week. We had a wonderful time, I spent the night there and we were talking about moving in together. I left the house the next day and things were still great through text messages but we both have busy schedules. Three days later, before I went to work I gave her a call and I felt like she was not too enthused about the idea of moving in together, but we are about an hour away from each other. I let her know that we should not waste each other’s time which she agreed which was a bad sign. I didn’t talk to her for about a day and she didn’t respond her phone when I knew she would be free. She texted me next day and told me that she was on the beach with friends. I felt like something was up and confronted her the next day about her weird attitude, she told that she wanted to dates and explore her options and as a matter of fact she finally went on a date with a co worker who was a perfect gentleman. I told her, at this point after 3 years she has to know if she wanna be with me or not. It’s either she stops everything she’s doing when it comes to dating other people and come with me or leave me alone and don’t call me anymore. She tried to beat around the bush trying not to give me a straight answer but I cornered her which she said she doesn’t want to rush anything right now and she wants to date. I told her then I’ll leave you alone and I want you to leave me alone.
My question is, did I mess up the no contact rule by telling her not to contact me anymore? I actually want to take the time to reevaluate this relationship. But I do want to know if I messed up the NC rule here because now she knows not to contact me.
Thanks for what you’re doing Kevin.