Secure as in no worries about nothing. No responsibilities, no obligations.
@ghost but if we are in false friendship then won’t there still be some responsibilities like making it seem as though she’s really happy in her relationship or making sure she keeps us as friends and that it doesn’t escalate to anything more
Arjum I’m sorry to tell you this but you need to grow some balls! You must put in mind that friendship isn’t a option. Don’t be happy for her, she left you god dammit. By displaying that emotinonal crap your pushing her away.
My advice to you:
- Don’t contact her in any circunstances for at least one month (I would recommend even more), even if she begs you.
- Make yourself more attractive!
- More muscles, less body fat
- New clothes
- Build your confidence!
- Meet other women
- the hotter they are the better, if your ex knows your seeing other women that’s even hotter than her it will blow her mind.
Never ever say that you sill care or love her. She must feel that you don’t love her anymore. Don’t talk about emotions, real men don’t talk about emotions, at least in the attraction phase. Talking about emotions demonstrates weakness. Weak men are so unattractive!
Basically this is what your ex is trying to communicate you:
“I really need a confident strong man to take care of me, but everytime I reach to you , you display so many pathetic traits of a weak man. Now I’m sure I made the right decision leaving you! I’m glad I’m with this new guy”
“Maybe next week I’ll try to reach again just to see if you had grow some balls. I really hope you would just ignore me, it would mean that you’ve some self-control which is very attractive in a real man. Maybe then my attraction for you will grow.”
Don’t get offend by this but you need to awake pal. I’ve been seen another women and talk with many guys who has success with women and believe me! Nice guys finish last!
@napoleon loooool no offense taken in fact I would’ve preferred a more harsh advice since it was some quality advice.
I know I need to grow balls