deeply broken

I was in a relationship with my ex-girlfriend since 3 and half years. We just broke up 1 week ago and I am not exactly sure why.

Starting of the relationship we were in same city but after a year we were in different cities, so it became a long distance relation but we met last year.

We were in a serious relation since the start and I even met her parents. We even planned to get married after certain period of time.

And now she started doing a job and she is fully into it. We were about to meet this week , but we had an argument regarding our plans. She previously told she will take leave and be with me but when the time came she was not able to get a leave . And then we didnt talk for a day then she said its over and that she doesnt want me in her life any more she just wanted to concentrate on her career.

Please tell me what to do I am still in the same city with no hope . She blocked me from everywhere.

@laurenjames - If you had too many arguments over the course of the relationship, she wasn’t happy for sure. Long distance is difficult because the feelings of closeness to each other dwindles over time and it’s hard to maintain the emotional connection. Maybe you could have been more understanding of her not being able to take leave from her job instead of arguing about it? Saying she doesn’t want you in her life anymore sounds serious and final. She wants focus on her job right now, so give her space. Being blocked on everything, there’s not much you can do at this point. Try to be good to yourself and enjoy doing things you want to do. Maybe in time she will unblock you and then you two can have a decent conversation.
Good luck…