Dear All,
Me and my ex are in a very delicate state right now. We were fighting a lot and he had broken up with me but then decided to give it a shot after some time, some tears and arguments later. I can tell he is trying to be nicer in spite of his nasty schedule, sometimes calls me over to his workplace as we work in opposite buildings but still his friends are higher up in his priority list than me all the time. We are both busy and we rarely get alone time together and even when there is such a possibility, I am second to his mates and his hobbies. He hardly spends 10 minutes on me and hours with his hobbies and friends after work. This bothers me. He says I am trying to suffocate him and gets angry at little things. We recently had a major fight again where he said the break up thing again and used a slang against me. I told him in that case he should not expect me to be his friend anymore or contact me ever again. He called a few times, and when I didn’t take the call, he came to my workplace, and when he didn’t find me there ,came to my home with food. He was being all sweet to me, but wouldn’t apologize, and says he cannot spend time with me till his upcoming gigs. I really don’t know what I should do. Please advise. Should I break up?
I think you knowthe answer yourself. You wouldn’t be on here otherwise.
Take a break. Give your head a break. And he is being an ass too but maybe you are too much.
Sounds like you both Need a time out.