I’m just starting my nc period. However I have to go to the flat we used to share and collect my stuff. How do I handle it if I bump into him whilst doing this?
I have the same problem. In addition i wanted to wait with the collection my remaining belongings until the end of her exam period on the university. She broke up with me in a very intense and dark period we had. Her university is very hard and i found it to be very hard to get on track with jobs after i graduite, and i lost my self confidence. We agreed that we gave each other extremly lot of good memories. Im only saying this beacuse i dont know how should i act when im going for my remaining stuff? Should i wait for the end of january which is the end of her exam period, and start than the no contacting phase? Or go for my stuff as quick as I can? And how should i behave than?
I just collected my belongings from my ex’s flat. I texted him, telling him I was coming over to collect stuff, and around what time. He replied and indicated the time he would be home.
I went over, didn’t use my keys (I don’t live there anymore, seemed rude), made as little conversation as possible. Every time he offered to help I said no, I’ll be alright. And he didn’t. Then I said bye and bolted out the door.
I lived there for one year and the place still smells like home. That was the hardest bit.
So my advice is, be curt but kind. Cold shoulders never did anyone any good. I tried my best not to look at my ex, and keep conversation strictly about the immediate task such as, “Have you seen my… ?” It may be easier that way.
Remember that as hard as it is, they are just things.